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In this edition of the Doomcock Roundtable, there were two topics up for discussion: favorite/notable black and white movies that deserve more attention, and suggestions for targets that Harvey should destroy first upon escaping!  This was a fun daytime edition of the Roundtable, but never fear: in December we're going to return to evening editions for those of you who were unable to participate this time.  I like to move things around since we are truly a global community!

Hope you guys enjoy this!  And as always, thanks for your support!



My knowlege of black & white films is limited to Christmas movies and sci-fi or gothic television shows. Oh, wait, I’ve seen Bela Lugosi’s Dracula. Forgot about that one. Edit: The Lost World, how could I forget that one!


Great discussion, Lord Doomcock! A few favorite B & W movies I’d add to those mentioned are My Favorite Wife, The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, Cape Fear, From Here to Eternity, The Hustler, Dr. Strangelove, and Night of the Living Dead. And for Harvey, go ahead bite the Big Apple...don’t mind the maggots! Afterwards, please round up our usual SJW suspects for destruction. If you’re still feeling angry, then go after the recognized evil of autocorrect. Very entertaining chat!!


Ahhh Strangelove. A glorious movie.


"We can't let the Russians in here! They'll see our big board!"