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Yes, it's November 28, and that means it's time once again for the Doomcock Roundtable!  Now, a few things...there's a choice of two topics pulled from the discussion: Favorite Black and White Movies OR Who/What You Would Want Harvey to Destroy First If He Escaped?  (In other words, a license to rant about who or whatever!)  Also, everyone will have a very strict 5 minute limit for speaking because unfortunately I've had a conflict arise and I must end this Roundtable at 5:00 come hell or high water.  So if at that point anyone hasn't had a chance to speak, I apologize in advance!

Okay then, here's today's link: https://discord.gg/nu9nWd

Looking forward to seeing you all there!



I'll have to work but look forward to the next one. I do appreciate how you change times to reach more people though.


All the best to everyone attending, may it be yet another memorable experience, I'll be going on the road for the next few hrs, Hail Doomcock!


Have a good time Chris! Or if it is for work, at least have a bearable time!


I was totally unprepared for that test, I’m sorry Teach! I think I had a blackout. But anyway, it was fun, so thanks for being patient with me!


I'd like Harvey to destroy Krogers. you lord Doomcock know why.


Discord and Technology Both SUCK! Only Release Harvey Buttons should be allowed!!!!


What is a Kroger’s? Is that a doughnut place? Sorry we don’t have Kroger’s in New England. And now I want doughnuts 🍩 ❤️


What do you mean? You were charming and delightful OGSL! I'm delighted you were able to attend and that you had fun! :)


Discord is very very funky. Still weird sound issues with the damn recording on my voice, but not as bad as last time...