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Greetings all!  I think this video speaks for itself, although there is one juicy tidbit I left out of the video above, which I've saved to share with you guys: apparently, Doomcock has gotten under the skin of the executives at CBS!  I was told that my videos about STD prompted the high poobah executives to scream at the head honchos at CBS HQ.  Apparently they don't like being made fools of, and they are PISSED that CBS let this happen!  So know that your Overlord is making noise, and CBS is listening!  Our struggle is not in vain!

Thanks to all of your for all your support.  This is your triumph as surely as it is mine, and I say again: I have the strong feeling STD will not be getting a third season!


Rumors of Emergency Meetings at CBS! STD in Crisis?

A source that has given Doomcock reliable information in the past is alleging that meetings are taking place today and tomorrow regarding the problems with Star Trek Discovery! Can the franchise be saved? Is CBS finally willing to take action to save Star Trek? #CBS #startrekdiscovery #alexkurtzman Join the Doomcock Revolution! Go to patreon.com/doomcock and join our community of canon warriors, protecting our modern myths from the predations of corporations who care nothing for the stories that made us who we are! Levels of support begin at just $1 a month, which gets you access to hours of exclusive content each month, including participation in the Doomcock Roundtable and the Dick Doomcock Power Hours, lives events with Doomcock himself! Check it out! Copyright 2018 Dicktor Van Doomcock. Doomcock, Dicktor Van Doomcock, and Harvey Cthuhlu are trademarks of Dicktor Van Doomcock.



Stay angry, my liege.


My Liege, CBS and Secret Hideout have been flinging poop at the fans for too long. I stand firmly with you, may you unite the fans under one banner to stand up and reclaim our canonical heritage. In the immortal words of Rodimus Prime, "Til all are one!"


Ah ha haaaah! May we collectively pray that CBS learns that Revenge is indeed a dish best served cold... and it is very cold... in space.


I know it’s too early to break out the champagne, but I am doing a victory dance!


Doomcock's righteous fury smashes the CBS soy fortress, and sends them into a tail spin. I love it!


It is good news but I am not sold that Trek is getting saved yet because these are the same people who allowed this to begin with. Mooves cancelled Enterprise but on the surface the reasons made sense - an expensive show to make that wasn't getting the viewers. And I can see why they got JJ to do his 2009 film. But when Into Darkness bombed like it did and they didn't even know if they were going to make Beyond, why did CBS allow Mooves to even hire Kurtzman to begin with? They could have stopped this before it even started by not allowing Kurtzman to be involved yet they didn't and now they are mad? That's why I am concerned - they are not worried that Kurtzman is killing Star Trek, they are worried that Star Trek isn't making them money anymore and I am worried that they are going to do something dumb and gimmicky to try and get that money back which will do even more damage to Trek. Anything that gets rid of Kurtzman is good and hopefully I am worrying over nothing but CBS has never had a great history with Trek as they never seemed to understand why it was popular, just how to exploit that popularity, so I am not sure they really know how to fix this issue even when we tell them how to.


J. Michael Straczynski pitched a Star Trek series. He knows Sci-Fi, he knows how to produce on a budget.


panicking powerful fools have a bad habit of "fixing" things in a way that a sane person would call counter intuitive at best. the fall of STD would be nice, and i do think that is coming, but it is not the same as getting back on track, sadly.


Oh, I am my friend...I fucking well AM! (Also, I hope you heard me do the Monk's Chant last time...learned it just for you!)


I fire poop right back at them, with industrial strength CANNONS! So in a sense you can say "Til all are...NUMBER TWO!" (As in covered with it!) ;)


Oh dear oh dear oh dear...shit is hitting the FAN at CBS! Couldn't be more thrilled...and I'm going to share this with you guys SOON!


OG Spock Love, I haven't told everything that I've heard, only the things that I'm fairly sure are real...but the other shit I've heard, oh dear oh dear...it may not be too early for that champagne at all... :)


Indeed...they are MOST UPSET by Doomcock. But get ready...I'm going to spill a BUNCH more stuff in this coming Rumblings From the Lair!


Dalton, honestly, I haven't been able to tell everything I've been told because it's not QUITE verified yet, but believe me...there is every indication that there is good news on the horizon!


Agreed. I'd be DELIGHTED to have him run some Star Trek! I know he gets it, he's respectful and skilled, he is, in short, ONE OF US!


Yes, no doubt...I fear that getting back on track is probably not an option...but sweet sweet vengeance, seeing these assholes take a fall, seeing STD fail miserably...these are things to live for!