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Hey all!  As I announced earlier, I'm going to start posting notifications about upcoming videos and livestreams here on Patreon for the public as well as for all of you.  The reason I'm going this is YouTube isn't really notifying people about updates on my channel with any kind of consistency; indeed, YouTube is ACTIVELY UNSUBSCRIBING PEOPLE from my channel without their consent or knowledge!  So I figure anyone who is interested in following my work should rally here from updated current information.

So, to that end: if you're newly visiting here just for the info, then all you have to do is check here for the latest updates, they will all be posted in this section and all you have to do is scroll down to see them.  But for those of you who are members here and want to be notified by email of new developments, please turn on notifications for Patreon and you should be emailed every time I make a new post.

Don't know how to get notifications?  Here's a link to an article on Patreon on how to get set up!


This way, you won't miss out on anything, and thanks to Ace Reporter Harvey Cthuhlu and his new News Briefs series, I plan to reliably be posting new stuff virtually every day!

Thanks everyone, and as always, STAY ANGRY!



Funny how when I clicked this notification it opened the Patreon app to a different subscribed feed. Not a biggee I guess since I could just navigate here. But tells you how f-d this app has been since it’s inception.


Our Liege, the overlord with a heart of Gold ... Pressed Latinum. Hail Doomcock!


Yea, Youtube has not been sending me notifications of many of the shows I watch. Fuckers.


All set up to receive your news, Lord Doomcock. Thanks for making sure those of us who follow you won't miss out.


Sigh...dammit...yeah, they need to fix the programming, iron out more bugs. It's better than it was, but it definitely needs some work and some UI improvements.


It's kind of maddening frankly. Why the hell can't they just be in our corner? We should be partners, not adversaries!