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Looking at the sealed and marked skin in the archives, Selene forcefully tore it off.

Continuing to browse through the records, she found that on the page depicting Lucian's appearance, the part with his face had been torn, leaving only the image of his body.

Observing the necklace on the depicted figure, Selene immediately noticed something wrong.

Recalling the memory in her mind, Selene realized that the werewolf who chased Michael today had the same necklace around his neck as the one Lucian wore in the image.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Selene hurriedly headed outside; she needed to awaken Elder Viktor.

Meanwhile, Erika, who was looking for Selene in the corridor, saw her and said, "I've been looking for you. He's been bitten."

"Your human, he's marked by the werewolves."

Hearing Erika's words, Selene had to stop and confronted her directly, "Did Kraven instruct you to investigate?"

"No, I saw his wound with my own eyes, I swear."

Selene glanced at her but didn't say anything. She just turned around and left.

Erika looked at Selene's back and shouted, "What about the covenant?"

"You know that's not allowed."


On the other side-

Michael, who had escaped from the castle, returned to the hospital. He found his colleague, informed him of his situation, and also told him that he had been bitten by a man.

Hoping for comfort here, Michael, instead, had his return message conveyed to the police by his colleague.

Realizing what his colleague had done, Michael could only escape through the window. Two police officers immediately tracked him.

Although these two police officers were legitimate officers, they were also werewolves.

In the end, Selene chose to break the rules, using her own blood to awaken the dormant vampire elder, Viktor.

Through the ability of blood memory, Selene conveyed everything she wanted to say to Viktor.


On the other side-

Inside the werewolf base, the werewolves were divided into three teams standing in a vast open space. Members of Iruka's team stood aside, observing everything.

Lucian stood in front of everyone, excitedly saying:

"For many years, we have been committed to mixing the bloodlines of werewolves and vampires, but we have never succeeded. We've been doing useless work."

"Even at the cellular level, our species are in constant struggle, trying to eliminate each other."

"We know the key is to find a rare bloodline, a direct descendant of Alexander Corvinus. After countless disappointments, today we have finally found someone who can perfectly mix the two bloodlines."

"Someone uncontaminated, a true sample of the original virus. His blood can perfectly blend our two races' bloodlines."

"Once we inject him with our blood, along with the powerful bloodline energy of a vampire injected together, we will gain a new life and even more powerful strength."

"By then, we will easily destroy the vampires, get rid of these days surviving in darkness and sewers, and become a brand-new species, taking control of our own lives!"

As Lucian's words fell, all the werewolves present roared in excitement.

For centuries, ever since Lucian's defeat, though werewolves were no longer servants of vampires, life had become even harder than before. They were constantly hiding in dark corners, evading the pursuit of vampires.

The slightest exposure of their identity could result in the vampires attacking, capturing, or killing them.

They had had enough of such days!

The dawn of hope was right in front of them, and the werewolves roared in excitement!

On the side, Rock Lee asked softly, "Is the new species really powerful?"

Iruka shook his head and whispered, "Possibly. Otherwise, he wouldn't be so excited. But how exactly, who knows..."

At this moment, Lucian extended his arm, and the scene fell silent.

"Doctor, take a team and go to the castle of the vampires. Watch Selene and follow her to find Michael and bring him back!"

The doctor's face revealed an excited expression, immediately saying, "Understood, I guarantee the completion of the mission!"

"Raze, take a team and go to the train station to kill Council member Amelia who is coming. Bring back her blood."

Raze said in a deep voice, "Yes, leader!"

After finishing, Lucian looked at Iruka's team on the side and continued, "Mr. Iruka, please take care of Raze's team."

During the day, Lucian had a sudden idea and had a confrontation with Iruka and others. He thought that even if he couldn't suppress them, he should at least be evenly matched.

However, he didn't expect that he couldn't even defeat a young ninja.

This made Lucian aware of the vastness of the outside world, and he became even more eager to become powerful through bloodline fusion.

Upon Lucian's request, Iruka nodded and said, "During the commissioned time, we will ensure the safety of the employer."

Satisfied with Iruka's response, Lucian nodded, then turned to the last group of personnel and said, "The rest, stay with me at the base, in case of a sudden attack by the vampire forces."

"Hope is on the horizon, my fellow kin, set forth!"

With Lucian's words, the two teams immediately armed themselves with guns and equipped with bullets to deal with vampires, and they set off.

Iruka took his team members, followed by Raze and others, boarded the vehicles, and headed to the train station for an ambush.

Raze and Iruka were in the same car. Watching the calm faces of the four people, Raze said softly, "Honorable Adjudicators, we might need your help in the upcoming battle."

Naruto laughed heartily and replied, "Don't worry, leave the enemies to us!"

Looking at the excited Naruto, Sasuke and Rock Lee did not speak. Since entering the werewolf base, except for talking to Naruto, the two of them had not said a word to Raze.

At this moment, Iruka's face showed a very official smile and said lightly, "The completion rate of our mission is one hundred percent!"

The car soon arrived at the train station, and everyone didn't get off but waited on the side, awaiting the arrival of Amelia's train.


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