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"Tony Stark is not cooperating, it may take some time to persuade him."

"As for the authenticity of this Tsunade, we don't need to rush to test it. Let's wait for the opportunity to come slowly."

"It it’s real, it's hard to tell. If it’s fake, it's also hard to confirm."

"Continue to find ways to dig up more information and the location of the Hidden Leaf Village."

"As long as they are on Earth, I don't believe we can't find them."

Coulson nodded, "Understood, Director!"

"Also, inform the scientific team to find a way to develop a device for detecting chakra. As long as we have that, I don't believe they can hide."

"Director, this may take some time. Chakra is a new energy and has not been recorded by us. It's only possible to develop a detection device after the next outbreak or capturing the opponent's chakra for research."

Listening to Coulson's words, Nick Fury nodded and said, "Make them speed up the progress. The sooner it's ready, the more helpful it will be for us."

"Understood, Director!"

Then Coulson got up and left.



Time quickly moved to night again.

Michael, who had been unconscious for a day, seemed to see many different scenes in his dreams and finally woke up in shock.

Opening his eyes and looking at the unfamiliar environment, he was about to get up, but was pressed down by the Selene standing beside him.

"Lie down. You've been unconscious for a day, and your head took quite a hit."

Looking at Michael, still gasping for breath, Selene asked, "Do you know why those people were tracking you?"

Michael took a deep breath and didn't answer Selene's question. Instead, after looking around the surroundings, he asked, "Where am I?"

"You're safe."

"I'm Selene."

Seeing that the other party didn't answer his question, Michael continued to gasp for breath and then closed his eyes.

At this time, the door was pushed open, saying to Selene, "Looks like the rumors are true."

Erika walked in, looked at Michael lying on the sofa, and then said excitedly, "Everyone in the whole house must be gossiping about your new favorite."

"Are you planning to turn him into a vampire?"

Selene immediately replied, "Of course not."

Erika curiously asked, "Then why did you bring him here?"

Selene looked at the man in front of her and calmly replied, "He saved my life."

Then she turned to Erika and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Kraven sent me."

"He wants to see you, now."

Upon hearing this, Selene didn't linger and went straight to Kraven's room.

As soon as Kraven saw Selene, he reprimanded, "This is absolutely unacceptable."

"You disobeyed my orders, left for the whole night, stayed with a human, and brought him back to my house."

Hearing Kraven's words, Selene frowned and retorted, "In my opinion, this is still Victor's house."

Kraven had nothing to say to this, turned around in frustration, and slapped the chair on the side.

The room echoed with a muffled sound as Kraven slapped the chair.

However, Selene didn't stop; instead, she continued, "Listen, I don't want to argue."

"You have to understand that Michael is important to werewolves in a certain way."

Kraven turned around, roaring, "So now it's 'Michael'..."

Selene sighed, "Can you let me finish?"

Kraven raised his hands and said, "I find it hard to understand why you're so obsessed with this absurd theory."

"Werewolves wouldn't be interested in a human, whether it's Michael or anyone else."

Looking into Selene's eyes, Kraven exclaimed, "Wait, are you infatuated with him?"

Selene looked at him seriously and said, "What you've just said right now is absurd."

"Is it?"

After saying that, Kraven directly left the room.

On the other side, Erika looked at the sleeping Michael, curious, and leaned in front of him, brushing away a strand of hair from his face, observing this handsome human.

At this moment, Erika noticed something unusual on his shoulder. She opened the shirt at the shoulder, revealing the bite marks from a werewolf.

Erika's expression turned extremely unpleasant at this discovery, considering that werewolves and vampires were mortal enemies.

Suddenly, Michael opened his eyes, startling Erika, who jumped onto the roof, limbs gripping onto it, and turned to face Michael, revealing her sharp fangs.

Seeing this, Michael was also taken aback. He opened the window in a hurry, disregarding the pouring rain outside and the height of the building, he jumped out and ran away from the castle.

Selene and Kraven who were returning witnessed Michael's escape. An angry Kraven gave Selene a harsh slap.

Stunned by the slap, Selene couldn't do anything to Kraven. She couldn't fight back; she could only angrily go to the training ground and vent her frustration with a handgun.

Bullets poured out one by one, each one hitting the target's head.

At this time, weapons expert Kahn walked in, watching Selene in training, and said, "I hope you never get mad at me."

"Wait, try this."

Kahn took out a silver-white modern pistol and handed it to Selene.

Taking the new pistol, Selene aimed at the target that had just been set up and pulled the trigger.

The head of the stone statue hit by the bullet oozed a liquid similar to mercury.

Kahn looked at Selene and said, "Check the magazine."

Selene opened the magazine, looking at the new bullets on it, and exclaimed with joy, "You imitated werewolf bullets, silver nitrate!"

Kahn nodded, "A deadly formula."

Selene looked at Kahn and asked, "Tell me, Kahn."

"Do you believe that Lucian has really died as they say?"

Kahn was curious, "Is Kraven talking about his war stories again?"

Selene blinked, "Yes, I want to know if that's just a - absurd tale."

"There's nothing to prove that he killed Lucian, except for what he said."

Kahn looked incredulously at Selene, "I never underestimated Kraven's ambition, but Victor believes in him, and that's the most important thing."

"Where are you going with this?"


Selene picked up the handgun and continued practicing shooting wildly.

On the other side, Kraven sat in a car and arrived at a secret location. After getting out of the car, he entered another car.

Angry, Kraven said after getting into the car, "Engaging vampires openly and chasing humans!"

"I can't believe it; I heard you started a killing spree."

Lucian grabbed Kraven's neck and said, "Calm down, Kraven."

"That human is none of your concern, and I've been on a killing spree for a long time."

After saying this, Lucian released his grip on Kraven's neck.

Kraven took a deep breath, then looked at Lucian seriously and said, "Let your people stay in the bay, Lucian."

"At least from now on, don't make me regret our agreement."

Lucian scornfully curled his lips and said, "Just take care of your side. Remember, I've shed blood for you."

"Without me, you have nothing."

"You are nothing."

Kraven looked deeply at Lucian, didn't say anything, just opened the car door and left.


On the other side-

Selene, coming out of the training ground, went straight to the archives to search for records about Lucian's death.

The books stated: "Among all the warriors attacking Lucian's fortress, the only surviving vampire is Kraven."

"He was rewarded handsomely, not only because he bravely charged through enemy lines but also because he brought back evidence of the death of the werewolf leader—a piece of skin cut from Lucien's arm with a branded mark."


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