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It's time to make your Patron's Choice for September's line-up of new guides in this X-Men (and Howard the Duck) vs. DC edition of the poll.

I know many of you are X-Men fans, so I have a suspicion of how this might go... but, you might surprise me!

This poll includes several X-Men with enough solo titles to their name that they really ought to have their own guides by now: Emma Frost, Gambit, Nightcrawler, and Old Man Logan.

They're pitted against several DC characters who aren't already on my editorial calendar: Naomi, The Spectre, and Starman.

Plus, just to keep things spicy, all three runners-up from last month's poll are back again: Howard the Duck, Booster Gold, and Deathstroke.

Who will be your September Patron's Choice?! The winner will remain exclusive to Patrons for a while; 2-3 runners up will be back again for the October vote.

If the top options end within two votes of each other, I reserve the right to pick the guide that fits better with my schedule (which could be a harder one or an easier one, it depends on what else I have to do for CK that week).

As always, I love to hear what you're looking forward to the most from Crushing Krisis. Your comments absolutely have an effect on my schedule - so please, chime in with your opinions on anything.

I'll be back with another post in the next 48hrs with your next guide (and I can say that confidently because all I have left to do is add Marvel Unlimited links)!



Ah, darn - I mistakenly posted this poll only allowing single choices! I'm bummed about that, but so many of you have voted that we'll just keep at it. I'll go back to multiple choice next month, as I found that exciting!