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THE DIVORCE EPISODE. This is going to be a difficult one... 

We are going to record a Private Podcast episode with a compassionate divorce attorney. 

What questions do you have about failed marriages, successful divorces, and letting go of a partner, spouse, or loved one?

If you have a question for this episode, we'd love to feature your voice on the show. Please email a voice note from your phone to podcast@theminimalists.com (or you can leave a voicemail at 406-219-7839). In the message, state your name, city, and question, and try to keep it under 3 minutes. Let us know you are a Patreon subscriber so we can prioritize your message.

Much love!


Patrick Kelly

Would you recommend always getting a prenuptial agreement just in case and what things should be part of that document to make sure a divorce isn’t as messy if it happens?

Shawn Mihalik

Great question! Would you be willing to email that question to us, via voice memo, so we can feature your voice on the show?


What to do with holiday ornaments collected on travels while married? Both the marriage and a majority of the 12 years since divorce were abusive, traumatizing. Haven't displayed them in 12 years, yet struggle with throwing them away. Most are marked with a city or national park name. Also most are fragile so dropping them at a donation center doesn't seem wise. Oh - maybe asking if a retirement home or memory care center would like them. Other thoughts?


The irony. I just tackled all the Christmas decor bins - 7 down from 10 yesterday & 20 a year ago - and those pre-divorce ornaments aren't there. I had already physically removed them.... today, I emotionally removed them. For good.