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Patreon Exclusive. Joshua and Ryan talk about trying to buy nothing new this holiday season, and they answer the following questions:

What has stressed you out in past holiday seasons? (00:49)

Why are we so obsessed regarding our material possessions? (04:58)

What is the difference between the Diderot effect and Object A? (05:17)

What is mimetic desire? (09:37)

What are the three types of fun? (15:41)

What is “America poor”? (20:31)

What causes poverty? (21:04)

Why don’t you share the myth of Santa Claus with your child? (36:49)

How do we appropriately decline participation in gift-giving games? (49:06)

How do I provide meaningful gifts to young family members that aren’t old enough to appreciate non-physical gifts? (54:39)

How do I get family members to stop gifting simply for the sake of gifting? (1:00:58)

How do I give gifts to people who have reacted negatively to experienced-based gifts in the past? (1:05:28)

Given the current supply-chain issues, how do we avoid the temptation to just buy what’s available in order to have presents to give? (1:10:06)

How do I avoid the inferno of panic purchasing stoked by the mainstream media? (1:10:21)

What is the “joy of missing out”? (1:11:13)


Article: Christmas Gifts for Minimalists

Article: Spoiling the Fun of Holiday Travel

Article: Top Six Children’s Charities

Book: Have Yourself a Minimalist Christmas

Book: Love People, Use Things

Book: Minimalist Rulebook

Coffee: Bandit Coffee Co.

Essay: Buy Nothing New This Holiday Season

Instagram: Mallory French

Instagram: Jordan Moore

Instagram: Podcast Shawn

Instagram: Danny Unknwn

Podcast: How to Love

Podcast: Minimalist Christmas

Podcast: The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill

Resources: The Minimalists

Subscribe: The Minimalists

Text: 937-202-4654

Tour: The Minimalists

Website: Buy Nothing

Website: T.K. Coleman


“Gift-giving is not a love language; giving value is a love language.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“Dispossession drives discontentment.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“Don’t let your Christmas be consumed by peer-pressured purchasing.” —Ryan Nicodemus

“As soon as we need something to enjoy a holiday, we begin to squeeze the enjoyment out of that holiday.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“Just because something is scarce does not mean it is worthwhile.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

This Maximal episode corresponds with Minimal episode 316.


Private Podcast | "Buy Nothing New This Christmas"

Joshua and Ryan talk about trying to buy nothing new this holiday season, and they answer the following questions: 00:00 What has stressed you out in past holiday seasons? 04:58 Why are we so obsessed regarding our material possessions? 05:17 What is the difference between the Diderot effect and Object A? 09:37 What is mimetic desire? 15:41 What are the three types of fun? 20:31 What is “America poor”? 21:04 What causes poverty? 36:49 Why don’t you share the myth of Santa Claus with your child? 49:06 How do we appropriately decline participation in gift-giving games? 54:39 How do I provide meaningful gifts to young family members that aren’t old enough to appreciate non-physical gifts? 1:00:58 How do I get family members to stop gifting simply for the sake of gifting? 1:05:28 How do I give gifts to people who have reacted negatively to experienced-based gifts in the past? 1:10:06 Given the current supply-chain issues, how do we avoid the temptation to just buy what’s available in order to have presents to give? 1:10:21 How do I avoid the inferno of panic purchasing stoked by the mainstream media? 1:11:13 What is the “joy of missing out”?


Dawn Miller

I want to comment on the idea of people giving me their stuff to get rid of. I find that sometimes my loved ones aren't quite emotionally ready to let go of something but they are comfortable giving the items to me. I wait a year or two and then ask it they want the item back or if I can re-home it for them. It helps them understand whether or not they are really ready to let go of the item, and it helps me understand that they love and appreciate me.


Interesting idea, Dawn. Thanks for sharing!

LAURA in Cherokee

I appreciate your desire to back away from consumerism, anytime, but especially at Christmas, the time we celebration of the birth of our Savior! I have wanted for years to stop gift giving to the adults on both sides of our family, and only give to the grandchildren. However, other family members were not on board with it. I do ask our daughters what they think the grandchildren need/want so I'm not wasting money! Thanks for sharing this, it is sooooooooo good!