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Hello, Simpletons!

Happy Cyber Monday. Just kidding. You can put away your debit card. Hehe. While you can watch our latest one-minute rant about "Stupid Christmas Gifts" on Instagram or TikTok, this Patreon post has nothing to do with the commodification of the holidays—just a few updates for you, our patrons.

Studio. First, as you can see in the above picture, our new studio is 90% complete. We just installed our new broadcast desk and carpet. Next month, we'll hang our new paintings and audio/video equipment, and then, once the details are buttoned up, we'll film the final installment (part five) of our Minimalist Studio Tour series. Yay! Big thanks to all of our patrons for providing the resources to build a beautiful space that enables us to produce meaningful creations for the world!

Livestreams. There won't be a livestream this week because we have two scheduled next week. Mark your calendars! On Tuesday, 12/7, at 10 AM PST, Ian Cron will join us to talk about letting go of your past identity. Then, on Wednesday, 12/8, at 10 AM PST, Gary Vee will be in our studio to discuss the pros and cons of hustle culture. While we'd love to see you during each livestream (so you can participate in the chat), both recordings will be available for one week after they air. (If you missed our last two livestreams, both are still available for a limited time here.)

Questions. We're getting ready record five different private podcast episodes about five important subjects: personalities, emotional intelligence, paper clutter, suicide, and the environment. If you have a question about any of these topics, please call 406-219-7839 and leave a voicemail. Now that our new studio is nearly complete, we want to incorporate more listener calls into the show, and our patrons tend to ask the best questions, so give us a call!

That's enough for now. Some other exciting updates coming soon, including new home tours and a brand new podcast concept in the new year. Stay tuned...

Keep it simple,

—Joshua & Ryan
