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You spent all of the night out poking the bear, but now I'm going to poke back. 


Jo Blackthorn

“I’ve got a plan,” is such a wonderful way to start. Like ‘oh jeez, of course you do.’ I really like that tone with the librarian–it’s not exactly the same as the one with Doug, but it’s in the same family. That polite ‘I’m probably messing with you, but you’d have to do a full-force callout to prove it.’ The ‘concern’ about attracting librarians makes me think one of them is already enjoying it. We could zoom out and oh! There they are, watching attentively. The Bear could be speculating about the one at the desk, or narrating. The last comment about how she ‘did enough checking out for all of us,’ could have been referring to the last few minutes, or the entire time I like the fresh application of old concepts; the book on puritanical practices used for a fun purpose, referring to it as the Good Book as it’s being used, and the watchful librarian being named Grace. It’s fun to think of her joining in, and if that leash would be done in time. Working with a new person, as the leash works with the sterling silver chain.

Mandy Smith

Exactly what we want 😏 poke back hard please 😊