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So, I'll keep this brief so as to make sure that I, an audio creator, don't bore you to death with all of these disparate letters strung together in a ramshackle manner by a guy who still needs to look at the keyboard lest his giant paws type the wrong letter and the computer autocorrects every porpoise he ties down into some masturbatory funnel cake....

*ahem* anywhoozels!

~My audio content on here will be dropping Thursday and Friday this week. 

~I will not have any lives on TikTok this week.

~Things are about to ramp up!

So the show tonight is off because I have a call with a company about a voice thing ( can you hear me freaking out!) you shall know about it just as soon as I do, promise, but unfortunately Nick Fury told me if I mention the name of the project he will have Ant Man shrink me... I may have said too much.

Friday is off because my kids have the day off. Simple as that.

My content this week will be Bear and the Brat: Date Night, Sleepless in the Storm : A calming cuddle , Confessions of a Pleasure Dom: Care, and Uncle Nicky's origin story. 

For our new members, the Discord link is right here : 


As for things you should know, we currently have two items going on: An auction for an hour with me on the phone, and a raffle for seats at one of four DND games I will be DM'ing. the link to those is here:


Lastly, we are changing the schedule going forward when it comes to our week!

Starting next week ( 2-6-23) I will be doing the following every week, unless notified otherwise:

Monday Morning Coffee Talk: Where any member of the discord can ask any three questions no matter how deep, how weird, or how nerdy ( VIB's get 5 per week ) they may be slightly NSFW, but not nearly as what's gonna happen on Thursday

Werewolf Wednesday: My live show on TikTok where I growl, goof, and recite poetry ( and try not to laugh ) 

Thirsty Thursday Coffee Talk: My NSFW question and answer show where I feel far more playful when answering your 3 questions of the week ( and 5 for VIB's)

Fantastic Friday : Where we will pour some metal while talking geek live on TikTok

And amidst it all shall be the continuing stories of the Bear and the Brat, Princess Vinnera, The Tales of the Black Pearl, The stories of the Library, and so much more.

But for now I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for you continued support.

You have enabled me to begin to create worlds in which you can get lost, and through your continued support, we have millions of stars yet to shine in our collective sky.

My thanks will never be sufficient given the grace you have shown.

But for now, I go to create and do so knowing im taking you and the library on a wild ride indeed. 

Have Fun storming the castle,

Im storming it as we speak,

Love, Forge Bear.


Paige ohmen

Good luck! Can’t wait to hear how it went!

Crystel Edwards

Beautifully done update and can't wait to hear more on how things went. Proud of you in so many ways!