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Thank you for sharing. Your honesty and vulnerability leave me speechless.


Oh Nik. I am listening to these all at once. But not in order. It’s my nature. I’m gaining a whole lot of insight into The Mind and Heart of a Bear, doing it this way. - This one, oh it hit me right in the feels. I am so very sorry about Madame Rouge. Such a heartbreaking part of your personal history to share. I teared up and cried. - i also reflected, how many of us (I mean, women) have been in sexual situations where we wanted or needed to say no, or stop, but we were ignored… or more often, we are just trained to let him finish because men “can’t stop” at a certain point. I recently stumbled on a TikTok video with comments from numerous married women saying, if they are asleep, and the husband wants sex, he just does it TO them. Not even trying to wake them up or see if they want to. Like, that’s normal or something. And these women shared this, like it was just acceptable. Unless she had a conversation with him at some point and said, it’s ok if you need to do that, just don’t wake me up. Not to yuck someone’s yum, but here I am going to bc holy Jesus, no. - You are a dear man, Mr Forge Bear, and I’m saying that firmly, bc I sure have listened to enough of your more confessional posts to know it to be true. I hope there is someone out there who cares for you, when you need or want that. It sounds like you are constantly giving of yourself, in so many ways. Here we are, over 300 of us, and you are still doing it. Giving of yourself to us, and what can we give to you? Nothing but our admiration (and a tiny monthly subscription charge, big deal).