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Jo Blackthorn

First off: I appreciate that you overdid on Lunar New Year to the point where you lost a few days, then time traveled back to give us an MMCT (Monday was 1/23, this is dated 1/26, and that is the only explanation). Re: Friday. We’ve established that, in the Library, you’ve never the only one. We often mean this cheekily (‘did anyone else notice the extra open button on today’s TT?’ is met with a resounding yes), but it goes for the serious stuff too. You’re never alone with something, you’re never the only one, and that goes for everybody. (I sometimes feel the urge to be snippy with you about this stuff, basically “If I have to learn this, so do you!” with :P for good measure) But I swear–the recursive support in here could light cities. Talk about a light in the darkness. The ever-changing jingle reminds me of Weeds. ‘Someone stop Nik [from hitting on the matryoshka doll]!’ Never! It’s a wonderfully strange nod to body positivity. Perfect. You would be the greatest Gluten Gatling Gun; generous, gallant, and gratifying. And seriously, what a great superpower. For fighting crime, you’re going to be distracting and wonderfully unexpected. For the everyday, you feed people. Which is an old standby for me–when in doubt, feed people (soup kitchen, food pantry, etc). That superhero could easily represent a very basic form of needs and respect. And great comedic timing. Re: vulnerability, single-player game. I groaned out loud, because American individualism is such a thing, and it’s so dumb. Music rec (because you mentioned war heroes): The Men Behind the Guns, Phil Ochs. Just an FYI: keeping the body types vague is very much appreciated. It’s come up in chat a few times, and it really furthers the way we can engage with the content. Re: bi/pans ‘shaking it all up in your face’. You’re welcome! Enjoy the show. >:D “Loving animosity,” is such a wonderfully bit of phrasing. Put me in mind of ‘affectionate profanity.’ Also Chernabog pricks a whole different level of interest, because of the old stories, because of American Gods, because…yeah. Interesting. Looking forward to it. Re: livestream. I’m going to vote video (yes) live (no). If there’s any kind of chat component the original questions are never going to get answered, and there’s a solid chance the chat won’t be included in the recording, so anyone who watches it later won’t get the full experience. MMCT is such a great work detox, and I’d hate to lose that.

Allyson Joule

There are so many comments I could make about this MMCT but I'll limit it to this... Bavarian cream? YES PLEASE! My favorite. 😋