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Hey Guys & Gals

Got a update on the latest Halloween special to share. As you can tell from the little sneak peek, the project is moving along nicely.

Currently I'm wrapping up the final scene. Not much left on that besides some minor adjustments but after I can move on to post development work. I still need to render out some corrections and make adjustments in After Effects but all well within scope. Nothing overly risky or a big time sink left to do. Which is always a relief when your this far in development and still have major hurdles to finish. 

Total Length looks to be around...16 mins I actually wanted to add more to the scene but the church is just wrecking the shit out of my computer. I've done my best to optimize everything but after this, I wont be returning to this church LOL.

Also - I'm starting to map out the next few months. Development starts to get a little tricky as the holidays are incoming hot and time for development gets rough but I have a few surprises to share. 

Stay tuned!



