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Hey Gang!

So quick update for everyone. Recently Patreon updated a new method for billing (Subscription). Previously I was using the most common approach of when you sign up you are charged and then again on the 1st of each month. Which obviously has its pros and cons. Its great if you sign up at the beginning of the month, but sucks when you sign up later towards the end of the month, as you basically get billed twice with in a small period of time. 

With Patreon new Subscription billing, you are only charged on the day you joined and then on the same date the following month.

For example, a patron who signs up on April 12 is charged again on May 12. Patrons will see their next charge date at checkout and in their Active Memberships tab.


This is a great update, so now new subscribers dont have to worry about what time of the month they join, out of fear of being billed twice. 

Nice little improvement. Hopefully Patreon continues to release better n better services for us Creators to use. 


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