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Alright Gang,

You know what time it is. I'm heading underground to wrap up this film. Not a ton left to do but recently my place lost power. Storms ran through the area and I was without power for a good portion of the day. So that kind of sucked but power is back and I can get back to work. Just a minor set back. This was a reminder though that I really need to purchase one of those surge protectors that have a built in battery pack. So if I lose power - I can still operate for like 20 mins, save, and safely shutdown.

oh and a quick update on the length of the film. Looks like the run time will be around 14 minutes. I tightened up and removed some of extra fat. A few sequences seemed redundant so I decided to clean it up a bit. 

Excited to release my Halloween special soon! 

And even more excited to share whats coming up next...




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