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Because why not create my own kind of Lycanthropes?

Here we see Red.  Red is our standard variety Werewolf.  Say hi, Red.

"Hi, Red."

See, he speaks too!

"I'm not a dog."

This is true.  He is not indeed a Cainus Domesticus.  But he does respond to treats.  Moving on!

Lycanthropes, or Werewolves as they've become better known by, can come in many shapes, sizes, colors, and versions, but the most definitive one is that like we see here with Red.  Together I've created a list of phases that define just what a Werewolf in my world is capable of as well as limited by.  As defining traits across all the phases, Werewolves are faster, stronger, more durable, and generally more of an animalistic mindset than your garden variety Human.  A score card will be presented beside each Stage.  Each stage includes a baseline 1 for a Human, plus an additional marker or appropriate number of how much 'more' the Werewolf Phase elevates physical levels on scorable scales.  As we don't know everything about Werewolves just yet, such information is at its best incomplete.  They will be scored as follows.

+/- 1= just above average.  
+/- 2= just above normal human limits.  
+/- 3= above and beyond normal human limits.  
+/- 4= Abnormal levels.  
+/- 5= Superhuman levels, measurement here becomes tricky
+/- 6=Unknown potential or levels of growth/escalation.

As to their true origins, such things are better left up to speculation by smarter minds than mine.  However, inquiring minds at a certain blacksite research and containment facility have come to what they believe is a historical accounting for where the first Werewolf came from.  Shame they're almost dead wrong, but we won't tell them that.  And if you're thinking of another certain monster-themed underground place for monsters, no not that one, the other one that premiered for the first time cameo at the end of Fearful and the Guardian.

In Stage 1, we see the Werewolf most closely resembles a Human.  They might have a tad more body hair sometimes, their nails grow a bit thicker or faster, and they love a good steak.  Other than that, Stage 1 Werewolves are generally as run of the mill as you can imagine.  And before you begin saying all Werewolves are capable of this tree, you'd be wrong.  The Werewolf Virus, "Lycromania" lays dormant in untold numbers of Humans across the planet.  Most go about their lives, blissfully unaware of their heritage, but generally those who are in the know tend to stick close to one another, pack mentality and all that.  They don't care for dogs, fireworks, guns, or anything loud, but they do appreciate music.  However, in more powerful bloodlines that are more heavily exposed to the Virus, it can cause much more wild, savage, and distinctly furrier transformation.  All Werewolves can and most often do go about in just Stage 1, but not all of them can achieve higher levels, let alone do so without dying from the Virus.

Strength: 1+1-3(?) Adrenal production can cause some confusion for measurement
Speed: 1+ 1-2. Basic increase of reflexes or running speed, good athletes.
Durability: 1 + 1-3. Some People, and Werewolves, are just tougher than others.
Ferocity: 1+1.  Stage 1 are a bit more confrontational but not irrational. Mostly.
Control: 1  As they often never experience a shift, Stage 1 rarely have bouts of Lycromania.

In Stage 2, our Werewolf has entered the 'Teenwolf' phase.  Thick fur now covers the whole of their body, often matching the hue or color of their natural hair.  Nails have been replaced with claws, teeth are all sharpened into fangs (which can make brushing awkward) and clothing can at times become a hassle.  In their communes and pack towns, Werewolves that can reach Stage 2 rarely go around wearing full sets of clothes, as it can be very uncomfortable when you're already covered in hair.  They also believe in the Wookie Rule, which states that a person covered in fur is not technically naked.  I'm not gonna argue with them.  At this stage, we begin seeing the degradation of Human morals and filters as they transform more fully into a bestial, close to nature, animal-like mindset, which can include bouts of aggression most might consider 'impolite'.  If 'impolite' might mean they rip your arm off and beat you to death with it.  Thankfully, only about 1 in 50 Werewolves can reach Stage 2.  So no, Grizzly Pete at the gas station may make your dogs bark, but he's probably not the type to decide the cows in the next field are on the menu rather than ordering takeout.

Strength: 1+2-3 If a mother can lift a car in moment of need, they can lift a lot more.
Speed: 1+ 2-3 Speed and reflexes are much more pronounced, Usian Bolt wishes.
Durability: 1 +3 It takes a lot to put a Stage 2 down, but they are not invicible.
Ferocity: 1+2 Much more likely to be feral in nature, also VERY hungry.
Control: 1-0/1 Control is a constant issue but manageable.

In Stage 3, we now see the true face of what Werewolves begin to personify across nations and cultures.  Gone is any semblance in the face of looking Human, their features having entirely become that of a hybrid Wolf/Man.  Stage 3 defines itself as an increase in height, bulk, weight, as well as massive differences in levels of determinable physical capabilities. These Werewolves are considered the leaders of their packs, and as such rarely number more than 1 or 2 in several hundred at a time.  This however might not be such a good detail, for it is the Stage 3 Werewolves, nicknamed, ironically, 'Alphas' that mediate, break up, or manage their unruly masses and keep them from both going full savage AND contain their secret at all costs.  As their secret would most easily be released or exposed should an Alpha slip up, Stage 3 has developed throughout the years to be far more in control and rational in maintaining their intelligent mind against the raging beast within.

Strength: 1/2+3/4 Strength is needed to contain the pack, as weakness means death.
Speed: 1/2 +3/4 The only thing these can't outrun are bullets, but you have to hit them first.
Durability: 2+ 3/4 Regeneration factors kick in more heavily, and bodies become unnaturally tough to cause lasting injury.
Ferocity: 3 Being the leader means your bark is just as bad as your bite.
Control: 2-0/1 The Pack's safety above all.

Now we have reached Stage 4.  From here on out, most of the rules governing a Werewolf's body, mind, morals, values, and levels of control are completely turned around, as all are much more badly afflicted by Lycromania.  These are your true movie monsters, your Van Helsing style beasts.  Intelligence has been replaced with feral wisdom and cunning, and language has been forgotten almost entirely.  Taller than even Phase 3's, these monsters are cautionary tales told by the Packs to make sure their followers never attempt to come across or get close to one of their kind who have reached such a violent stage.  Stage 4 does not consciously have the ability to revert back to Stage 3 or below, and only Stage 3s can safely, truly achieve this level of physical perfection and ferocity without being killed by an overproduction of the Werewolf Virus.  Traits exhibited by those who have gotten unlucky or were too reckless often match Rabies, with them slowly choking to death while attempting to destroy anything and everything living around them.  It is the Alpha's job to destroy Stage 4's if they occur within the pack and cannot be controlled.  That doesn't mean it's an easy task to do.

Strength: 5 A speeding truck couldn't knock these Wolves over.
Speed: 5 You know those dreams where you'll never run fast enough?  Stage 4 is why.
Durability: 5 Forget bullets, try a tank shell or armor piercing sniper rounds. It might tickle them.
Ferocity: 5 You can't stop them, you can't hurt them, all you can do is try not to die.
Control: 1-4 It can't be reasoned with, can't be bargained with, and it will not stop until it's no longer hungry.  Spoiler, always hungry.

Last, and most decidedly worst, is Stage 5.  These are the cause of Human fear in wolves.  These monsters are the true horror that lays at the heart of the Werewolf Virus, a giant beast that most likely gave spawn to the Nordic mythology surrounding Wargs, the true Wolves, and the most famous of them all: Fenrir, Wolf of the Apocalypse.  The most famous, real world example of a Stage 5 Werewolf was last seen outside a French settlement near the Black Forest, circa 1760's by the name of Givaudan.  Over 100 people were reportedly killed over the space of months, although the true death total was never confirmed, as not all the bodies were ever found.  Legend says that the beast was eventually caught and killed, the body of which is displayed in a museum, but this was simply a fabrication.  The real Beast of Givaudan vanished as mysteriously as his killing spree began, and some say he is still around today, a much older, meaner wolf than even before.  Only one person knows otherwise, for it is her self-appointed task to take care of him, far away from all human contact as possible.  After all, that's what a good grand daughter does.

Many suspect the legends of man-eating Wolves come from mere whispers based off of these unfortunate, cursed individuals.  To pity them is not to excuse their actions, but these souls are no longer in control of their instincts and bodily functions.  Gone forever is the mind of rational Humanity, replaced with a never-ending need to kill, to hunt, to destroy.  As such, there is no accurate determining factor with which to measure their classification.

Strength: Unknown, Most Accurate measurement is in numbers of villages destroyed
Speed: Unknown, Something that big has no right to be as fast as it is, and then even faster.
Durability: Unknown, Considered 9-K class by the Organization, Unkillable.
Ferocity: Unknown, Not even Werewolves are safe from its hunger.
Control: None.



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