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Here is a bad girl in every definition of the word. Meet Lyra Wilder, Phase 3 Werewolf and leader of the Lubold Pines' Riot Wolves. She is an Alpha in training meant to take over from the next pack leader of her section of the township, but instead devotes her time to policing her fellow werewolves and all the while harboring a dark secret.


Deep in the mountains surrounding the town, in a cave unknown to any but her, her most terrible and tragic form of familial bonding lies. Her grandfather was once a great man, a veteran of the French soldiers who fought in countless battles and skirmishes of both World Wars, and one of the most powerful Alphas ever seen. He was the one who taught her what it meant to be what they were, not to be ashamed or scared but instead revel their unique heritage and abilities.  Sadly, weakened by years of shifting back and forth, Renart Wilder no longer has any semblance of humanity left, reduced to a crippled, blinded, maddened beast whose scant moments of lucidity in the world come when his beloved granddaughter comes to tend to his wounds and feed him.

Lyra knows as well that his curse is also hers, for she too is capable of achieving a level of werewolf beyond that of even Phase 3.  Her parents caution her strongly against it constantly, and the other pack leaders view her as volatile and dangerous, but never against the pack itself, for her stalwart defense of them and their secrets over the years.  Even so, no one would blame a girl for looking for more in life.



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