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Before the new year. Thank you all for this year komfy cuties! It's had it's highs and lows for me. Especially in the latter half of this year. But I'm still thankful for every minute of it.

I created dozens of new audios, branched myself out even more and have been working more with writers and other audio creators!! 


A lot of the goals I do have I am finalizing the "kinks" out of (no pun intended) so they're not concrete at the moment!

Here's some goals for myself. (Audio/Creative wise first hehe)

  • Pushing out at minimum 8 pieces of content a month. 2 every week. (96 audios that year!)
  • Putting more time into writing out my works. So they all have their own "flair" to them!
  • Working with more creators. That being VA's, writers, artists and more!
  • Finding better, more efficient ways to have YOU influence and give suggestions on audios!
  • Be a lot less harsh on myself and have a LOT more fun with this! (Cause I do hehe)
  • Diving deeper into audio ideas. Examples like more fantasy or "out of the box" ideas!!!
  • Streaming more on Twitch or even YouTube! 

A few other goals I have are cooking more for myself and my home, doing morning cardio to lose some weight and trying to push myself more socially!

I think new years can be a lot if you set TOO many goals. So these are more so things I can do throughout a year, which I think is a lot more healthy and reasonable :3

I hope everyone of you had a safe and enjoyable 2023. And I hope EVEN more that 2024 can be better for all of us!

From the bottom of my heart, thanks for being here. I'm always shocked that so many people have heard my works, supported my works and of course enjoy what I do and who I am.

Never thought I would be here and I'm still surprised by it every day.

Much love to you all, as always if you'd like to as questions or even just chat. DM's are open or comment on here!

Mwah mwah :3

Here's to 2024~


Madison Youngblood

Happy New Year AK! I really hope everything you want to do goes well next year, I'm always happy to just chat either here or on discord!