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I'm not having fun creating content the way I am right now. Everything has started to feel like an "obligation" rather than creating fun and entertaining audios. I've lost a lot of what I loved with making audios. 

I've never been someone who can create and schedule like others. Planning months ahead and still being able to deliver amazing works like that. I need to "cement" myself into something and spur of the moment it. Otherwise I lose a lot of what charm and fun the original idea had to me.

I'm taking some time to process everything. Which is going to be the remainder of 2023 and start of 2024.

I will still be posting some audios during this more "off time". Which I will update you all on beforehand.

 More talking:

One big thing is next year Exclusives, Tier rewards and such will be changing. 

Exclusives won't be leaving. Same with Polls. But I am going to be cutting down how many audios a month I am making. Shooting for 1-2 audios a week at maximum. 

Exclusives will have much more time put into them. I will be writing them out more and making them much more "special".

Early access and free audios will be given love as well. But with the whole back to basics thing. They will be improv. I want to feel that fun of doing something right from my head to audio.

I'm not going to be able to provide all the audios in the schedule I posted earlier this month. I apologize for that

I'm sorry for how this year of content from me has been. I know for a fact this isn't all I am capable of. Which is why I am setting myself up for a brighter 2024.

Thank you for 2023. Your support, kindness and love during this year has been more than I thought people could give to someone. You all mean the world to me allowing me to do this.

If you have questions about this or anything regarding me. My DMS are always open. Thank u.

Hope everyone has a good end to 2023, a lovely holiday season and please. Take care of yourselves in as many ways you can. Having fun is the best feeling. So I hope you're chasing that too.

Mwah mwah~


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