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Hi cuties.

I Don't have anything content related to talk about, as I haven't being doing really anything audio work related lately.

(Notes for Patreon tiered members)

I want to apologize for the lack of content. I know so many of you are fine with me taking breaks, time off and the like. I appreciate that more than you can ever believe. 

But I do feel guilty not being better about expressing what's going on with my and the page. I've been working A LOT on my communications, emotions and being better with talking and not feeling embarrassed. Which when it comes to taking time away I really do.

I feel lazy which I've felt for a LONG TIME. I don't like feeling lazy. So I am at the very least going to be making sure if this does happen again, you are all given a full explanation beforehand.

I plan on even if it won't be the full amount specified in tiers and such. That audios for Patrons will be coming out. Again, explained how I'll go about it to you all and with full clarity.

Appreciate your understanding, your patience and support. Always. 

Thank you to all my Patrons. You deserve better, so I am gonna be better. 

(Now, what's up with AK?)

Been enjoying my time, taking things nice and easy so far this year and seeing how it all goes.

I am ABSOLUTELY NOT! Done making audios though. Those will still be coming.

Just with no set dates, times and the like.

I've missed recording audios, but when I sit down to think or record things haven't gone "to my liking" lately.

I have some kick to just go into my "studio" (Bedroom lol) and just see how something comes out.

But if that'll come this week, next week or next month I don't know! I do miss you, posting and creating for sure.

Soooooooooo yeah! I'm still here, being a lil silly goof and wanting to make you all HORNY. Hehe

If you have some questions please feel free to ask! I miss hearing from you all.

Other than that, I have my masterlist posted if u want some of my older audios for the time being, follow my Twitter to see what's going on with me and... I hope everyone of you is doing well this year.

Much love, thanks for being patient and hope u haven't forgotten me. Cause I didn't forget all you :3

Mwah mwah~



Hiiiii AK!!! We definitely miss you too hun but (as a content creator) I totally understand the block but as long as your doing well is all that matters. These questions do not really have anything to do with anything but I do enjoy being nosey so, who is the most recent artist you’ve listened to and what’s the most recent movie/show you’ve watched? Also, I really hope your enjoying your day. Love you, Dreammie P.S. if you feel tossing out a ramblefap that would be amazing <3


Taking breaks are essential to basic functioning. Take your time and let your passion meter swing on its own at your own pace. Still supporting you tho so don't worry. Any upload, I'm there. Have a good day! Mwah! 😊


Most recent artist would be Danny Brown! And I'm not a huge Movie/Show person. But I did watch some classic spongebob recently :3 (Also may make a ramble fappy some time soon hehe)