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Short and sweet as before but I do want to sincerely apologize for "promising" I was going to be coming back to creating. Things mentally are blocking me and I'm having a very hard time discerning what those issues are.

I have ADHD and I've always struggled with procrastination and lack of motivation/drive from time to time. I've been on medication for over 2 years now and I'm feeling as if I may need to up my dosage. (Might be TMI but I like being open)

I've been struggling to do anything that isn't what my mind wants to do in that moment, I feel myself getting very distracted and I don't want to put out content I won't be proud of or feel is fair to you all.

I do plan on putting out some content including things I already have recorded. So there won't be a 100% drought from me. 

I just don't want to force myself to put out subpar content just to say I did it. I want what I may to be something I'm proud of and you all can enjoy and feel I enjoy as well.

Once again, apologies for being so scarce and taking these "breaks". I'm working towards my better mental health and I want to continue creating. 100% I do.

I need some more time though and while I hope you all understand. You're well within your rights to be annoyed. 

I'm sorry and I'll be here to answer any questions or give anything information you may need in my "absence".

Thanks for being amazing cuties and I'm going to do everything I can to come back and deliver. 

Mwah mwah - Akolmfi



Your mental health is the first priority! 🖤 take care of yourself and I hope you feel better ~


Damn I feel ya on the procrastination and lack of motivation. If that isnt the story of my life idk what is. Take all the time you need to clear your head. Only put out what you feel is your best. Im a more recent fan but man I've been listening to your backlog and DUDE you have top tier shit 😏👌. Like quality shit. Like WOW. If you need time take it cuz you've definitely earned it. Anyways, we'll be here when you feel your best again. Much love, Christian 👉😎👉


Everyone needs time to themselves, don't apologize for that. I just hope you feel better soon. We shall patiently await your return, because you are always worth it ♥️


ADHD is the hardest thing I learned about myself. I get the whole procrastinating and having no motivation wholeheartedly because I want to focus on art, but it’s hard out here. I am pretty sure majority of your subscribers and followers, care more about your mental wellbeing rather than content right now. So don’t feel pressured to post💕 - love Mooni


🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤 ADHD is such a b to deal with. Please take your time and don't feel pressured by anyone to post or smth like that! Please take care of yourself first and foremost! we will be gladly waiting, for as long as you need lots of love 🖤- Ash


that's totally okay, as a fellow neurodivergent person i totally understand, don't rush yourself, take the time to get better^^ obvs i don't speak for everyone but i didn't just subscribe to your patreon for the audios, I also subscribed cause you seem like a genuine and nice person and idk you just have a comforting vibe that puts me at ease (probs weird considering what the content is about but anyway;;) i hope u feel better soon 💜


I’ll wait for you and take care of yourself! HUG and KISS KISS! 😘😘😘mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah =3=