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Heya cuties!! 

AS A QUICK NOTE: I may be posting 1 audio on either Thursday/Saturday THIS WeeK but that's a big maybe.

There will 100% be all three Exclusives coming out them all being out no later than May 6th.

I am not going anywhere, this is a small breathing period! 

As for me I've just been a lil drained mentally. Some personal stuff, hanging out with new friends and family, Easter was a VERY busy time for me in and out of work as well. (Which also means I couldn't work cause people hehe)

But yeah! Just taking another couple days to calm down any nerves, stress and bad stuffs. I want everything I make to feel genuine and for you all to hear I enjoy it! Just like I want YOU all to enjoy it!

Much love, take care and if you EVER have any questions I am one Message away on any social.

Thanks for being amazing, kisses and hugs for you all and be kind to yourselves because you and me. We're all just people here to have fun.

Mwah mwah :3 - Akolmfi



Take all the time you need, you deserve it ❤️