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wiggles Hi there cuties!!!

I've missed talking to and making content for you all like crazy. But as the post itself says, still going to be taking things slow.

Lots of difficulty with getting time alone where I live as well so recording itself would be difficult. 

BUT! I am feeling that urge to create again that I lost for a lil bit. So I'm happy to be feeling that way again :3

I'll be giving another update before my first "return" post goes live. I do AT THIS TIME have 2-3 audios recorded that I just need to update.

So for the next 2 weeks I'll be looking to put those out and making more in my time alone I get.

As always with these posts and times off as well. Just seriously, thank you all. I couldn't have a more supportive group of people following and supporting what I do. Hearing you say my content makes you feel positively about yourselves, that you understand my breaks and continuing to support when I return is a blessing I never want to understate.

Thank you all cuties and I'll be here if u have any questions at all! I am in our Patreon Discord here and there if u would like to join us as well!

Take care and much love to you all~

Mwah mwah :3 - Akolmfi



*boops all of your noses* Mwah :3


So glad you're feeling better! We missed you!