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🔍🧙‍♂️✨In the dimly lit corridors of the arcane library, you, a seasoned wizard, peruse ancient tomes for knowledge long forgotten. Unbeknownst to you, a creature with sight beyond sight stalks the labyrinth of books, searching for intruders.

It pauses, sensing something amiss. Eyes narrowing, it scrutinizes the air before it, where the faintest shimmer betrays your presence. There, upon your forearm, a tattoo glows softly under the creature's gaze. The intricate ink, a symbol of concealment and mystique, pulses with a pale light, unraveling your veiled form. With a snarl of triumph, the creature leaps towards the space where your arcane mark has just unveiled your hiding spot. 🔍🧙‍♂️✨


Spell Seeker's Tattoo

Wondrous item, common (requires attunement)

This tattoo is crafted with ink infused with ground sapphire and quicksilver, set into a pattern that resembles a series of arcane runes.

Tattoo Attunement. To attune to this tattoo, you must trace the design upon your flesh with the enchanted ink provided. As you meditate on the sigils during a short rest, they bind to your skin, becoming part of you. Upon completion of the attunement, the tattoo reveals its intricate details and faintly glows on your skin.

Arcane Illumination. While attuned to this tattoo, it emits a soft light when any creature within 5 feet of you can cast spells of at least 1st level or higher. The glow is a clear, azure hue that provides a visual cue rather than functional illumination. This reaction serves as a silent alarm, alerting you to the presence of spellcasting beings in your immediate vicinity.



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