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💀🌑👤 Where the shadows whisper and the air is thick with the essence of the ancients, the Boneshadow Regalia was first forged—crafted not by hands of flesh and blood but by the will of the shadow realm itself. The tale begins with a nameless necromancer, one whose thirst for knowledge of life's threshold led them to a boundless pursuit of power over death.

This necromancer, cloaked in ambition, sought to unravel the skeins of mortality, to weave through them a tapestry of eternal dominion. On a night when the veil between worlds was at its thinnest, a ritual was performed, an offering made of shadow and bone. From the formless dark, the Regalia was born—not created, but rather, revealed, as if it had always existed just beyond the sight of mortals.

Whispers among the cloistered and the damned alike suggest that the necromancer's soul became one with the Regalia, imbuing the set with an essence of the ethereal. The Shroud of the Reaper, Grim Grasp Gauntlets, and the Specter Boots carry not only the power of the necromancer's dark magics but also an echo of their undying will.

Each piece of the set resonates with the energy of the shadow realm, granting the wearer abilities that blur the line between life and death. The Shroud whispers secrets of stealth and silence, the Gauntlets hum with the harvest of souls, and the Boots step lightly between realms. 💀🌑👤


Shroud of the Reaper

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

Shadows weave together to form this haunting shroud. When worn, the fabric seems to absorb the light around it, giving the wearer an otherworldly presence.

While wearing this cloak, you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in shadows or darkness.

Harvester’s Precision. You have advantage on attack rolls against any creature that hasn't taken a turn in the combat yet when you are wielding a sickle. Furthermore, any hit you score against a creature that is surprised with your sickle is a critical hit, as if the spirit of the reaper itself is directing your blade.

Grim Grasp Gauntlets

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

Forged from a shadowy metal that absorbs the faintest light, these gauntlets seem to reach out with a will of their own. The intricate bone-like patterns etched into their surface move with a life unseen, as though the gauntlets were eager to clutch the essence of death itself.

While wearing these gauntlets, your grip on your weapon becomes unnaturally steady and precise. Attacks with melee weapons you are proficient with gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls.

Reaper’s Clutch. When you successfully hit a creature with a melee weapon wielded with these gauntlets, you can attempt to grapple the creature as a bonus action without releasing your weapon.

Hands of the Reaper. If the weapon you are wielding with these gauntlets is a sickle, the critical hit range is expanded by 1. Thus, if your critical hit range is normally on a 20, it now occurs on a roll of 19–20. If your critical hit range is already 19–20, it further expands to 18–20.

Specter Boots

Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)

Crafted from a material as dark as the void, these boots seem to absorb the light around them, leaving a trail of cold mist in their wake. When worn, they make no sound, regardless of the surface trodden upon.

These boots hold the power to tread beyond the material. As a reaction when you are targeted by a spell, you can activate the boots to become ethereal until the start of your next turn. While ethereal, you are not affected by the material world, including the triggering spell, as you temporarily step into the plane that shadows our own. You may use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and all expended uses are restored at midnight.

3 Set Bonus

Attuning to the full Boneshadow Regalia weaves shadows into your very presence. The clothing and armor you wear alongside the Regalia fade to shades of black, white, and gray.

In this state, your movements and presence become ghost-like, granting you a +5 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks. The silence of your steps and the blur of your movements render you nearly invisible in the darkness, a specter unseen by the living.

Embracing the form of a skeletal entity, you sever your mortal ties. Your visage turns skeletal, and the needs of the flesh—aging, eating, and sleeping—become foreign to you.

Additionally, you gain resistance to necrotic damage.



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