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🕰️👣⏳ Alaric whispered to the shadows, his voice a sibilant thread woven through the quiet. “Within these straps, within this leather, lies eternity’s riddle.” With a craftsman’s care, he had imbued into the soles the essence of ages, a secret stolen from time itself.

They were no mere trinkets or trifles of fashion, oh no. These sandals bore the weight of aeons, and to don them was to walk with history, stride alongside tomorrow. They were an enigma, these Chronostrider Sandals, made for a purpose yet to unveil itself, destined for feet that would dare to outrun fate.

As he turned the final screw, Alaric’s heart thrummed with a fear he would not name. With the Chronostrider Sandals complete, he had torn a seam in the fabric of what was meant to be, meddling with threads that mortals were never meant to weave. They were a marvel, a curse, a gift, a threat—bound together by leather and audacity.

And so, he would let them go, for time calls to time, and destiny, once set in motion, is as relentless as the ticking of a clock. 🕰️👣⏳


Chronostrider Sandals

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

Interlaced with delicate clockwork mechanisms, these sandals vibrate with temporal energy. When you attune to these sandals, they calibrate to your personal timeline and grant you control over the briefest moments in time.

While attuned to the sandals, you do not age naturally and you always know the exact time to the second, and you can accurately guess the time of sunset and sunrise, regardless of your location.

Chronal Shift. When you fail a saving throw or are hit by an attack, you can choose to rewind time slightly and force the attack or saving throw to be rerolled. You must take the result of the reroll. After using this property, your movement speed is doubled until the end of your next turn. After the speed increase ends, you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC 15) or suffer one level of exhaustion. You regain the ability to activate this property after a long rest.

Haste. You can cast the haste spell on yourself without expending a spell slot. The effect lasts for 1 minute and does not require concentration. You regain the ability to cast it again after a long rest.

Strider's Will. As an intrinsic ability of the sandals, you can cast longstrider on yourself at will, without expending a spell slot or use material components.

Cursed. When you cast haste using the sandals, an unintended ripple in the fabric of time also grants the benefits of haste to one random enemy creature within 10 feet of you. The enemy remains hastened for the same duration as you. A remove curse spell can end this effect on the sandals.



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