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🌞✨🛡️ In a realm where the sun's favor is as sought after as the breath of life itself, the Light's Barrier stands as a bastion of divine protection. Forged in the heart of a sacred temple dedicated to a sun deity, its crafters were master artisans who channeled the essence of dawn's first light into every hammer strike and anvil's song. The shield's surface is a testament to the celestial craftsmanship, capturing the sun's brilliance without the scorching heat, a warm emblem to those under its aegis.

Priests and paladins, those with hearts as radiant as the sun they worship, are often seen with these shields, emerging unscathed from battles where darkness sought to claim dominion. It is said that the mere presence of the Light's Barrier on a battlefield can bolster the spirit of the righteous, its glow a reminder of the ever-watchful eye of their solar deity. The shield's power, though not intended for destruction, serves as a silent guardian against the treachery of shadow and deceit. 🌞✨🛡️


Light’s Barrier

Armor (shield), rare (requires attunement)

It is a sturdy shield imbued with the essence of the dawn. Crafted from a celestial alloy and etched with symbols of the sun, it glows faintly with an inner light.

While you wield this shield, you are immune to the blinded condition, and your vision cannot be obscured by darkness, whether it is natural or magical.

Additionally, while you are in direct sunlight, any effect that restores your hit points increases the total amount of hit points regained by 1.



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