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🛡️🐉🔮 The creation of a Spellwyrm Barrier is a rare alchemical and arcane process that involves the precise combination of potent magical reagents and components linked to the essence of a Spell Dragon, though not its scales. The centerpiece of the shield is a meticulously sculpted miniature statue of a Spell Dragon, wrought from a unique alloy that has been imbued with the dragon's inherent arcane energy. This tiny effigy serves not only as a testament to the masterful craftsmanship of the shield but also as the focal point of its magical defenses.

Artisans who specialize in the blending of magic and metallurgy seek out substances that have been permeated with the Spell Dragon's presence. Such substances might include crystallized breath, shed claw sheathings, or residual magic from a Spell Dragon's lair—each component rich with the creature's inherent magic. Under the guidance of an arcane practitioner, these materials are carefully incorporated into the shield's structure during a ritual that awakens the dormant energies within.

The dragon effigy, once affixed to the shield, is ritually animated using a series of complex enchantments. It is granted a limited sentience that is bound to the shield, allowing it to act as a guardian to its wielder. The effigy can detect the flow of hostile magic and, using the power drawn from absorbed spells, it can unleash a protective burst of force. However, this magic is not without limits. If the wielder attempts to channel more spells into the shield than it can safely contain, the effigy reacts with a potent surge of energy, releasing a protective backlash to prevent the overloading of its arcane reservoir. This safeguard ensures the shield's magical integrity, though at the potential cost of harm to an overzealous user. 🛡️🐉🔮


Spellwyrm Barrier

Armor (shield), very rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

This shield is crafted from the enchanted azure scales of a spell dragon, and it hums with a quiet arcane energy.

Upon attuning to the Spellwyrm Barrier, you gain proficiency with this shield if you do not already have it.

Spell Absorption. As a reaction when a spell of 6th level or lower targets only you, cantrips excluded, you can absorb the spell into the shield, which cancels the spell's effect on you. The shield gains a charge, up to a maximum of 3 charges. You can use the absorbed energy as a bonus action to cast a spell you have prepared or know of 3rd level or lower with a casting time of an action. When you cast a spell using a charge, the charge is expended. If you attempt to absorb a spell after the shield has already accumulated 3 charges on the same day, the dragon depicted on the shield reacts with a violent surge of force, dealing damage to you equal to three times the spell's level you absorb. Unused charges are lost at dawn.



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