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- Updated v1.2 -

☀️🌟🔆 Adorning the Lightbringer's Plate is to wear a bastion of the faith, a tangible symbol of the doctrines that champion goodness and light in the world. Its gleaming surface reflects not just the physical light, but also the spiritual resolve to vanquish darkness wherever it festers.

Those who wear the Lightbringer's Plate are not mere soldiers; they are avatars of their deity's will, standing bold and resolute against the encroaching shadows. They serve as heralds on the battlefield, inspiring their allies by their mere presence.

In times of war, the wearers of the Lightbringer's Plate often lead the charge, their armor a beacon to all who fight alongside them, rallying forces that might otherwise waver in the face of overwhelming darkness. ☀️🌟🔆


Lightbringer's Plate

Armor (plate), very rare (requires attunement by a cleric or paladin)

They are said to have been bathed in the radiance of holy tomes. Its wearers are often at the forefront of battles against darkness.

While attuned to and wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC and your shadow is transformed into a radiant silhouette. This radiant silhouette occupies a 5-foot square of your choice, adjacent to your space, as if it were a shadow cast by an inner light you carry.

Beacon of Hope. In conditions of total darkness, you can activate the armor as an action to release the stored light. Doing so creates a bright aura in a 15-foot radius around you for 1 minute. Allies within the aura at the start of their turn heal for 1d4 hit points. Once used, this ability cannot be activated again until next dawn.

Light’s Shield. When you are targeted by a melee attack, you can use your reaction and have one hand free to command the silhouette to become a shield of light. It must be within 5 feet of you to use this ability. The attacking creature takes 3d8 radiant damage and must succeed on a Constitution saving (DC 15) throw or be blinded until the end of their next turn. If the radiant damage reduces a creature to 0 hit points, the silhouette returns to you, restoring half the damage dealt to your hit points. Should the silhouette fail to reduce a creature to 0 hit points when activated, it is considered destroyed, and you are without both the silhouette and your shadow until the silhouette reappears at dawn.



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