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🌘⚔️👻 The monks who created them sought to balance the forces of life and death. They believed in harnessing the souls of the vanquished, guiding them towards redemption through battle. It was their way of maintaining equilibrium in a world teetering on the brink of spiritual decay.

For many generations, these katanas were passed down to the monks most adept in the arts of combat and spirituality. These monks became known as Soul Sentinels, guardians who would stand at the threshold of life and death. But as you might know, with great power comes great temptation. Some wielders fell to the whispers of the souls within the blade, their minds becoming as much a prison as a vessel for the voices of the fallen.

The method of creating these swords has been lost to time, and now, only a finite number remain. They are dispersed across the land, sometimes found in the hands of righteous warriors or fallen into the grip of malevolent souls.

The curse, ah, yes, the curse. It is both a blessing and a bane. A true test of the wielder's will. Those who seek to wield a Soulrender must be prepared to face the consequences of their own inner demons, as much as the demons they battle with steel. 🌘⚔️👻


Soulrender Katana

Weapon (longsword), rare (requires attunement by a monk)

This masterfully forged katana boasts an ethereal blade that seems to whisper with the voices of those it has vanquished.

It is a magic weapon that grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it and counts as a monk weapon for you.

Soul Siphon. When you use the Soulrender Katana to reduce a creature to 0 hit points, the blade absorbs the creature's soul, gaining a charge. The katana can store a maximum of 3 charges. If at least one charge isn't used or gained within 24 hours, the katana loses all stored charges.

Soul Burst. When you make a melee attack with the Soulrender Katana, you can expend 1 charge to make an additional melee attack against the same target or a different one within range as part of the same action. This additional attack uses the same attack roll and damage roll as the original attack.

Curse. The katana must siphon a soul (gain a charge) at least once every 3 days or it begins to consume the soul of its wielder, inflicting 1 level of exhaustion that can't be removed by any means until the katana gains a charge. If the wielder dies while holding the cursed katana, their soul is absorbed into the katana.



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