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🍺🛡️🏹 In the bustling town of Alehaven, legends tell of a famed armor known as the Tavern Bulwark. It's said that the armor was crafted from the very foundation of the first tavern ever built in the town. This very rare medium armor not only provides protection but also grants its wearer an uncanny resistance to poisons and toxins, making them nearly immune to the most potent of drinks and venoms. However, it vanished decades ago during a grand festival.

Recent rumors have surfaced of a bandit leader seen wearing an armor that makes him impervious to any poison, and he's using this advantage to raid caravans transporting exotic liquors, leaving guards helpless as he neutralizes them with toxic arrows. The townsfolk are desperate to reclaim the Tavern Bulwark and end the bandit's reign. They're offering a handsome reward to any brave souls willing to track down the bandit leader and retrieve the rare armor. 🍺🛡️🏹


Tavern Bulwark

Armor (any medium), very rare (requires attunement)

Crafted from the storied wood of ancient brew barrels and strengthened with metal bands, this armor is a symbol of the brewery's legacy. It's adorned with scenes of renowned feasts, legendary brewmasters, and fabled ale tales. The scent of malt and hops surrounds the wearer, reminiscent of old taverns.

The armor can store up to 5 charges. If you hold an alcoholic beverage with one hand, you can drink it as a bonus action during combat to gain 1 charge, up to its maximum.

Brewer's Fortitude. If you have at least 1 charge, you gain a +1 bonus to AC, resistance to poison damage, and advantage on saving throws against being poisoned.

Hop's Bounce. When you reach 3 charges, your bonus to AC increases to +2, and a burst of intoxicating fumes is released. Any melee attacker must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 15) or be poisoned until the end of their next turn.

Intoxicating Shield. At 5 charges, all charges are depleted, and you become intoxicated, making you an unpredictable target but lowering your defenses. You receive a penalty of -5 to AC until the end of your next turn. However, any melee attacker that hits you takes 3d10 acid damage, as they're splashed with a potent brew.



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