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🪡🧔🦔In a hidden glade, where reality seems to warp and magic permeates every thistle and stone, there thrived a peculiar porcupine. Unlike its kin, it did not feast on insects or plants; instead, its diet consisted solely of the glade's enchanted thistles, shimmering with residual spells and ancient charms.

Over time, the porcupine's quills absorbed the glade's potent magic, each one storing a spark of enchantment within. It became a creature of legend, known only to a few sages and the rare, intrepid adventurer. The magic-infused quills were said to hold the power to alter one's very visage, instilling a charm and presence into the bearer's persona.

Eventually, one of these quills found its way into the hands of a wandering bard, known for his tales of far-off lands and his lack of facial hair. He, in a stroke of inspiration, used the quill as a needle, crafting a tattoo of intricate design that could summon forth a majestic beard from mere ink. 🪡🧔🦔


Beard Tattoo

Wondrous item (tattoo), common (requires attunement)

Produced by a needle rumored to be plucked from a porcupine that dined exclusively on enchanted thistles, this magic tattoo captures a peculiar, intricate tribal pattern of shapes.

Tattoo Attunement. To attune to this item, you press the design onto the skin, typically on the face or neck. The attunement process takes about an hour, during which the design imprints into the skin, leaving a subtle mark. If your attunement to the tattoo ends, the design and beard fades away, leaving no trace.

Magical Growth. While attuned to this tattoo, as an action, you can will a beard to sprout from your face. You can choose the shape, style, and length, up to a maximum of 15 inches. The growth process takes a full minute to reach its desired length and style. The beard conforms to any style or shape you envision, from the intricacies of a dwarven braid to the fine lines of a gnome whisker. However, once set, changes to the style or length require you to will the beard to retract and then grow it anew.

Charming Beard. While sporting your magically grown beard, you gain advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks. You can use this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus and regain any expended uses at dawn.



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