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🏔️🏯🗡️ Ah, in the days of old, when the world was still young, and tales traveled by word, not by ink, high upon Mount Zenryu, there was a sanctuary known to few. The Temple of Whispering Shadows it was named, and within its walls, monks trained, seeking the quiet truths hidden from the world's loud clamor.

Long ago, a wise monk, Master Li Shen, dreamt of two swords dancing in the moonlight, their glow illuminating a path for seekers. Awakened by the vision, he created the first Zen Swords Tattoo. A mark, not of artistry, but of purpose and destiny. It became the symbol of a bond between one's inner journey and the age-old teachings of the temple.

Generations have passed, and the Grand Zen Master now carries the legacy of Master Li Shen. With hands that have felt the weight of time, he chooses only those whose spirits have journeyed far beyond their years to bear the tattoo. This mark, it’s not a mere decoration. It’s a chronicle of the past, a guide for the present, and a beacon for the future.

Remember, young seeker, as you train among these ancient stones, the Zen Swords Tattoo is not given lightly. It's a tapestry woven with stories of those who came before, a testament to commitment and a promise to uphold the wisdom of the ages. 🏔️🏯🗡️


Zen Swords Tattoo

Wondrous item (tattoo), legendary (requires attunement)

Produced by a special needle, this magic tattoo captures the essence of two radiant swords intertwined in an elegant dance of light and force, surrounded by intricate Zen patterns that invoke peace and combat mastery.

Tattoo Attunement. To attune to this item, you hold the needle to your skin where you want the tattoo to appear, pressing the needle there throughout the attunement process. When the attunement is complete, the needle turns into the ink that becomes the tattoo, which appears on the skin. If your attunement to the tattoo ends, the tattoo vanishes, and the needle reappears in your space.

Sword Manifestation. As a bonus action, you can manifest one or both swords from the tattoo on your back. These swords are light, have the finesse property, and you are proficient with them. Each sword deals 1d8 radiant damage plus 1d8 force damage on a successful hit. You can dismiss the swords as a bonus action, causing them to dissolve into light and return to the tattoo. While the swords are manifested, the tattoo on your back glows faintly.

Zen Harmony. While the swords are manifested, you feel a deep connection with them. Your movements are fluid, your mind clear, embodying the Zen principles. This connection grants you a +1 bonus to AC as long as you wield at least one of the manifested swords and +2 to AC if you wield both.

Twin Resonance. When wielding both swords, if you land a critical hit with one of the swords, the other sword is imbued with a harmonious energy, granting advantage on its next attack roll.



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