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🛡️⚔️💚 In the earliest days of magic, harnessing the raw power of wild magic was both a challenge and a risk. This untamed force, unpredictable and potent, needed containment and direction. From this necessity, the Chaos Armors were born.

Crafted from a distinct silver mined from the world's deepest caverns, this metal was chosen for its unique ability to absorb and channel magical energies. Adorned with intricate patterns of vivid green jade, sourced from ancient and sacred groves, the armor not only showcased unparalleled craftsmanship but also served a pivotal function. The jade acted as a stabilizing force, capturing the wild magic and anchoring it securely within the armor's confines.

Warriors donning the Chaos Armor became conduits of this power. As the armor absorbed more of the chaotic energies from the environment, it pulsed with a tangible force, its presence unmistakable on the battlefield. This stored energy granted the wearer enhanced strength and resilience, transforming them into formidable opponents. Additionally, with a mere thought, wearers could release a portion of this energy, either as a shield or a weapon, making them unpredictable in combat.

The process of crafting a single Chaos Armor was intricate, requiring both expert blacksmithing skills and an innate understanding of wild magic. Such was the expertise needed that only a handful of these armors existed, each a marvel in its own right, a beacon of artistry and power in a time of raw magical exploration. 🛡️⚔️💚


Chaos Armor

Armor (any heavy), rare (requires attunement)

This silver armor, detailed with glowing green jade, pulses with chaotic energy. Its helmet masks the wearer's face in a protective flame.

While you are wearing and attuned to this armor, it has 3 charges. As a bonus action, you can expend one of the armor's charges and utter its command word. Upon doing so, the armor releases a surge of chaotic energy that affects everyone (including you) within a 10-foot radius. Depending on a d6 roll, the energy manifests as 2d6 damage of a specific type. After this energy surge, you gain resistance to the resulting damage type until the end of your next turn, and your next weapon or spell attack deals an additional 2d6 damage of that same type. The type of damage determined by the chaotic energy is:

1 - Fire
2 - Cold
3 - Lightning
4 - Acid
5 - Thunder
6 - Force

The armor regains expended charges at dawn.



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