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🦀🌊🛡️Envision a suit of armor, imbued with the spirit of the deep blue. It's dark blue in hue with a subtle, enchanting silver shimmer, reflecting the secretive, pulsating life of the ocean's depths. The hood, meticulously fashioned from sturdy crab scales, presents not only a notable defense but a remarkable sight to behold.

Further, the shoulder pads and gloves are crafted from the same durable, brown crab scales, offering a protective aura that is both visually striking and a testament to the skill of its crafters. Intriguingly, the gloves morph to form robust crab-like pincers, an image that is both awe-inspiring and foreboding to observers.

Hushed stories travel through sailor taverns, narrating tales of warriors adorned in such armor, traversing the dangerous underbelly of the sea with a sense of mastery, communicating, and reigning over the crab inhabitants of the dark, watery depths. In times of peril, these warriors ascend, protected by the Galeclaw, harnessing the might of the ocean's depths, flanked by formidable crab allies.

Individuals adorned in the Galeclaw Armor have been spotted across numerous domains, championing both terrestrial and maritime causes, safeguarding coastal hamlets, and exploring underwater realms. Its power has been softly celebrated in hidden tales and documented in the ancient records of remote libraries. 🦀🌊🛡️


Galeclaw Armor

Armor (any light), rare (requires attunement)

This blue armor, accented with silver and brown crab scales, is impervious to the mundane, embodying the essence of the crab from the mysterious depths of uncharted seas.

While wearing the Galeclaw Armor, all crabs, mundane or magical, regard you as their leader. You can communicate with crabs as if you shared a language, understanding their desires, fears, and allegiances. Crabs will not attack you unless you pose a direct threat to them and will tend to follow your directives as best they can, respecting the deep aura you emanate.

Crab Leader. You can attempt to persuade a crab of Large size or smaller to become your companion for 24 hours by succeeding on an Animal Handling check, made with advantage. The DC is determined by the GM based on the crab’s disposition and intelligence. If successful, the crab follows your commands and fights alongside you until it dies. You may only have one crab companion at a time.

Pincer’s Might. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage, or utilize any higher dice if you have a higher unarmed strike damage die. You have disadvantage on attack rolls with melee weapons other than your unarmed strikes. The armor has two claws, each capable of grappling only one target, allowing you to grapple two creatures simultaneously. Once per turn, when you have a creature grappled, you can use your action to crush it, dealing 2d6 + your unarmed strike damage die in bludgeoning damage.



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