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🐲🐉💍Chromagosa is said to have emerged from The Nexus of Drak’Thar. It is a place where magic is so potent that it warps reality, birthing anomalies and paradoxes, a locale both sought after and feared by mages and explorers alike.

As the folklore is sung by the bardic circles of Echrya, Chromagosa was not birthed in the typical sense. Instead, it clawed its way into existence from the energies of the countless dragons that perished at the Nexus. These energies, infused with the lingering resentment and fury of the fallen, coalesced into a new being, an entity imbued with the memories, wisdom, and spite of numerous draconic souls. This was Chromagosa, a being neither truly alive nor dead, yet irrefutably existent and formidable.

With heads representing the varied chromatic lineages - red, white, blue, and green - each of Chromagosa’s countenance bore the temperament, ability, and wrath distinct to its respective progenitors. It soared through the realms, not constrained by the limitations of a single existence, sowing seeds of both wisdom and destruction, an entity to be revered and feared. 🐲🐉💍


Coil of Chromagosa

Ring, legendary (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

This illustrious ring, dark purple in color, entwines around the finger like a coiling dragon. Four draconic heads - white, blue, green, and red - emerge from the band. Intricate bronze scriptures and hieroglyphics, inspired by draconic lore rather than any earthly civilization, dance and twist around the band and the heads, each one a testament to an ancient pact between Chromagosa and a forgotten sorcerer-king.

Spell Storing. The red dragon head can store one spell of 3rd level or lower that you can cast. You can cast the stored spell from the ring at its lowest level without expending a spell slot, and it uses your spellcasting ability. Once used, this ability can't be used again until the next dawn.

Breath of the Chromatic. Once per long rest, the wearer may use an action to exhale a breath weapon in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 18), taking 12d6

damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The type of damage (acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison) is chosen by the wearer and must correspond with one of the dragon heads on the ring.

Aura of Chromagosa. While wearing the ring, you emanate an aura of chromatic energy within a 10-foot-radius. Allies within the aura gain resistance to one damage type corresponding to one of the dragon heads (chosen at dawn). You can switch the damage type during a short or long rest.

Curse of the Spawn. Chromagosa is a temperamental spawn of a dragon deity and does not grant its powers lightly. Once per long rest, when you utilize one of the ring's features, roll a d20. On a 1, Chromagosa's spirit becomes enraged, subjecting you to a curse until the next dawn. While cursed, you have vulnerability to a damage type that is opposite to the one chosen for the Aura of Chromagosa (e.g., if the aura provides resistance to fire, you are vulnerable to cold).

Spawn of Chromagosa. As an action, once per long rest, you can summon four spawns in the form of chromatic dragon wyrmlings (one for each head/color on the ring). Each wyrmling acts on your initiative and follows your commands. They remain for 1 hour, until they drop to 0 hit points, or until you dismiss them as a bonus action.



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