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🏹🐍💀 Veiled in mystery and notorious in legend, Venomstring serves as a tangible whisper of retribution, carefully and darkly crafted from the blackest ironwood, renowned for its resilience and foreboding aura. Traced meticulously with veined tendrils of a rare, luminous green mithral that subtly pulses as though bearing a living, malevolent spirit, the crossbow silently testifies to the artistry and vengeful fury of its creators. It is not merely a weapon but a dire statement, its every facet meticulously shaped and enchanted by hands guided by shadows and scorn.

In the shadowed alleys and secret chambers of a bygone era, the betrayed members of a once-pervasive assassin guild, known only to a select few as “The Veiled Vipers”, banded together amidst the sting of treachery and the ashes of their former comrades. They sought not just revenge but to create a lasting legacy of their anguish and rebellion against those who dared to deceive them. Thus, the Venomstrings were born – not a solitary weapon, but a series, each a harbinger of silent doom, uniquely crafted, and christened in the venom of the rare shadow serpents which legends say were once the familiars of the guild's master assassins.

Every bolt loosed from a Venomstring is an unspoken pledge of vendetta, its path unseen and its impact undeniable. Infused with venom extracted from the deadliest creatures and enchanted with the malevolence of its creators, each projectile whispers of the betrayal it was born from and promises death in its quietest form. The tales say that when a Venomstring strikes, it not only pierces the body but ensnares the soul, drawing its victim into a spectral dance where shadows of past betrayals and assassins lost to history envelop them, foretelling their imminent demise.  🏹🐍💀



Weapon (crossbow, heavy), rare (requires attunement)

Venomstring is an intricate, compact, and black ironwood crossbow. Every bolt released from Venomstring is a silent oath of vendetta, its venom-infused whispers tying the fates of vengeful shadows and their doomed targets into a perpetual dance of dread and retribution.

This crossbow is fitted with a finely crafted scope imbued with minor enchantments, allowing the wielder to target foes from greater distances with uncanny precision. The weapon's normal and long ranges increase to 200 feet and 600 feet, respectively.

Deadly Poison. When you score a critical hit with this weapon, the target must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 15). On a failed save, the target is infected with a potent venom, causing their defenses to waver. The next attack roll made against the target before the end of your next turn has advantage, and if it hits, it is considered a critical hit.



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