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- Updated v1.1 -

🛡️🏔️🌌 Each piece is lovingly handcrafted from specially selected ceramic, sourced from sacred mountain veins. Its colors - gold, blue, and white - are not just paints, but the very essence of the skies captured during sunrise, blended using secret methods known only to a few in our order.

But it's not just the crafting that's an art, it's the enchantment. Imbuing this armor with its unique magic is a challenge of both skill and spirit. The ever-changing nature of the sky demands flexibility and innovation, and one must be in tune with both the material world and the world of the ethereal. Many attempt, few succeed.

Yet, when successful, it’s not just armor. It's a piece of the sky, a sliver of dawn, a fragment of a whispering breeze. For those who don this masterpiece, know that you wear a piece of my soul, my dedication, and the very essence of the heavens above. 🛡️🏔️🌌
Armor of a Thousand Clouds

Armor (any medium), very rare (requires attunement)

Made from polished ceramic painted in shades of gold, blue, and white, this armor is a breathtaking representation of the skies during a sunrise. Patterns that mimic the graceful flow of clouds are etched across its surface, giving it an ever-shifting appearance.

The armor can store up to 5 charges. Whenever an attack misses you, it gains 1 charge, up to its maximum, but no more than once per turn.

Skyward Guard. Holding even a single charge provides a +1 bonus to AC. This bonus rises to +2 at 3 charges.

Wind's Rebuke. When you have 3 or more charges and an attack from a creature within 30 feet misses you, you can use your reaction to unleash a gust, pushing the attacker 10 feet away. This consumes 2 charges.

Cloudform Shift. At 5 charges, the armor's defense peaks. The next melee attack made against you simply passes through, as if you were momentarily made of mist. This consumes all charges.

At the end of a combat, any remaining charges in the armor dissipate. For each charge lost this way, you gain 3 temporary hit points. These fade should you remove or unattune from the armor.

Delicate Nature. Despite its magical strength, the armor remains vulnerable due to its ceramic origin. If critically hit by a bludgeoning attack, roll a d6. On a 1, the armor shatters into countless shards, becoming useless.



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