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Ah, gather 'round my kin, for I've tales to share of Morndar, the insatiable legend of old! Every dwarf worth his ale has heard whispers of his feats, tales passed down through generations, tales that have been the pride of our kin. 

Morndar, with his fiery red beard, was a figure larger than life, whose hunger for adventure was rivaled only by his hunger for, well... food!  They say when Morndar feasted, the halls echoed with laughter and the clinking of tankards for days on end. Aye, his feasts were legendary, but not just for the abundance. The heartiness, the spirit of unity and revelry that accompanied them, were what truly set them apart. 

And let's not forget his trusty Tankard, an emblem of his might and merriment. A vessel that has seen more ale than most taverns, and has quenched the thirst of a warrior who could down fire giants with the same ease he downed his drink!

Raise your tankards, for Morndar!

🎵 In the heart of the mountains, under shimmering stars, Lived Morndar the Mighty, with battle scars. With a beard so fiery, and a heart so grand, He roamed our lands, with his ale in hand. 🍺

(Chorus) Raise your tankards high, sing his name to the sky, For Morndar, our hero, will never die! In the echo of our songs, in the clink of our drink, In the heart of every dwarf, his legacy will never sink!

(Verse 2) With a laugh so hearty, and tales so great, He'd regale us all, 'til it was late. With foes aplenty, and feasts even more, Morndar’s legend, is of dwarf folklore.

(Bridge) He'd swing his axe, and enemies would fall, But at the end of day, it was ale he'd recall. With a tankard so mighty, filled to the brim, One sip of its contents, and you'd sing a hymn!

(Chorus) Raise your tankards high, let the ale freely fly, For Morndar, the glutton, his spirit's nigh! In our rosy cheeks, and our songs of mirth, Morndar lives on, in the heart of the earth!

(Outro) So here’s to Morndar, our legend so true, May we live with his fervor, in all that we do. For in each dwarf's heart, his tales do reside, Morndar, our hero, our eternal pride! 🍺🔥🎵


Endless Feastplate

Armor (any), rare (requires attunement)

This masterfully crafted armor is made of rich red material. An aura of warmth and hunger emanates from the armor, teasing the wearer with a blend of desire and the promise of unparalleled vigor.

Hunger's Vitality. After consuming more than one ration in a day, you gain 3d4 + your Constitution modifier in temporary hit points. This ability can be used multiple times, allowing you to have up to three separate pools of temporary hit points. Each new pool of temporary hit points is tracked separately. Once the temporary hit points from a specific pool are depleted, that pool disappears. However, for each time after the first that you consume an extra ration in a day, you must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 10 or gain 1 level of exhaustion.

Tankard of Morndar

Wondrous Item (tankard mug), very rare (requires attunement)

This ornate tankard, crafted from polished redwood and reinforced with bands of mithral, was said to be the personal drinking vessel of the legendary Morndar.

Upon drinking any beverage, your physical strength surges. For the next hour, you gain a +2 bonus to Strength-based attack rolls, damage rolls, and Strength saving throws.

However, should you be tempted to drink heavily in a bid to harness even more power, the tankard reacts accordingly. If you drink more than five beverages in rapid succession, the power of Morndar's legacy grows. You gain a +3 bonus to your Strength-based rolls, but requires you to make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 10. On a failed save, you with 1 level of exhaustion.

2-Set Bonus: Feast's Overindulgence

If you maintain atleast one pool of temporary hit points, as a reaction when you are hit by an attack, you can draw upon the excessive nourishment, gaining resistance to that attack's damage. You can use this set bonus each turn as long as you have temporary hit points. Additionally, you can use the tankard as an improvised weapon for which you are proficient with, dealing 2d4 bludgeoning damage on a hit.



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