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CRANE; Hhhngh.

BOLTON: Welcome to the party.

CRANE: What… happened… AUGH… 

BOLTON: Wouldn’t move around too much, Doc. They had you on the table for god knows what.

CRANE: (opens shirt) The fuck…

BOLTON: (whistle) Jesus… they did a number on you.

CRANE: (grunts, getting up) What did you do. HEY! The hell did you do?!

LUCENZO: You have no fear, Dottore. So I need another way to hold your leash. You give me trouble, I end you.

CRANE: You END me? Nobody ends Jonathan Crane! 

(LUCENZO presses a button; there’s a beep. CRANE grabs his heart, breathes heavily)

LUCENZO: You see? I push the button, and the heart, she stops.

CRANE: (Jonathan gets his breath back) Hrgh! I’m gonna tear your fucking head off, Lucenzo! Hrrrrgh!! (falls)

BOLTON: Alright! He’s got the point, Valentino. C’mon Jonny, on your fee-

CRANE: Don’t TOUCH me.

BOLTON: Sorry, I just—

CRANE: Shut up. Just shut up! We’re gonna die in here – last thing I wanna hear is you.

BOLTON: We’re not gonna die here, are we?

CRANE: No Lyle, he’s keeping us down here for a tea party.

(BOLTON starts crying)

CRANE: Oh for crying out loud. We’re not gonna die, Bolton. I’ll figure something. Just pull yourself together. I need to think.



BOLTON: I’m glad you’re here.

CRANE: Give it time.



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