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CRANE: There have been queries regarding the combination of Fear Toxin with antidepressant and anti-anxiety medications. The short answer is obviously don’t do it; but for those who require further elucidation, I have prepared some notes. First, we must examine the composition of Fear Toxin, which will henceforth be referred to as FT. For obvious reasons, I will not be revealing the complete chemical formula of FT, however I will make clear the compounds that conflict most directly with SSRIs and MAOIs. 

FT is comprised mainly of the three D’s. Di-methyl tryptamine, dopamine, and di-hydroxy phenalenone. At one point, carbogen was also added into the mixture, though was later removed as it was only effective in long-term exposure. What the toxin does therefore, is bond to the thalamus, preventing signals from reaching the sensory cortex and thus the hippocampus. This prevents the subject from reaching a sensible solution to fear, preserving only the ‘Fight or Flight’ mentality. In this state, rationality is almost impossible, leaving subjects unable to adequately process the situation and return to clear thought. But I’m drifting from my point.

The problem with FT’s inclusion with MAOIs and SSRIs and even benzodiazepines lies in the brain’s production of serotonin and melatonin. Since FT is roughly one-third di-methyl tryptamine, henceforth referred to as DMT, the inclusion of an SSRI or an MAOI could cause the brain to release serotonin and melatonin at incredibly dangerous levels, possibly causing an overdose. While I’m sure the idea of a serotonin overdose sounds somewhat harmless, the result would be the brain’s inability to further produced either serotonin or melatonin for the rest of one’s life. 

Of course, without producing monoamine neurotransmitters, one’s life expectancy would be – greatly reduced. Given that benzodiazepines and melatonin are incredibly similar, I would warn against the inclusion of these as well. As previously stated, since a bond is formed, the reaction of FT into the body is an exothermic one.

Now an added danger to FT is that once it reaches the hypothalamus, it activates the adrenal-cortical system. Now, the natural response to fear is an activation of the adrenal-cortical system, but FT limits the secretions of adrenocorticotropic hormone to only epinephrine and norepinephrine. This causes a server panic, and everything that goes with it – dilated pupils, increased heartrate, etc., and properly explains why it should never be combined with a stimulant, as we learned in earlier… tests. Trial note: add Solid State FT test to include oral ingestion, as FT effectiveness would be prolonged and have a smaller chance of affecting the synapse. This could be safest way to combining MAOIs and SSRIs with FT. 

Now, FT in combination with depression and anxiety themselves and not the medication to treat them – well, reactions would depend on the person in general. In my opinion, given the purpose of FT, anxiety would be greatly enhanced while depression would be replaced by panic. There would not be enough time for the brain to discern how it feels about the situation, as those receptors would be blocked. Testing may be necessary.

Logged as Entry: Crane 024.



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