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TRS - Casefile #0138

EDWARD: Gal-ix asks: "I hear you are very fond of classy cars. Do you have a favourite type of vehicle, Mr. Riddler?" Will, classy is as classy does, I find. I prefer class in all things - dress, method of speech, manners, grace and so on. Indeed this extends to cars as well. I hold a certain fondness for the 1949 Super 50, whose sleek lines and formidable style befit an individual of my tastes perfectly. I can assume the follow-up question to this - do I own one of these cars? Yes I certainly do, and unsurprisingly perhaps, it is a delightful shade of kelly green. One cannot accuse me of straying far from theme. You will not see me in it for some time, alas, due to my sojourn in this little summer camp I currently call home. As to where the car is, it is safely locked away. None will so much as breathe near it while I am gone. Now, on to the next question.

Iamboththedarknessandthelight asked: "Pardon me if this was asked before, but do you like to dance? If so what style(s) do you prefer?" I don't believe that this has so much been asked as the answer assumed. Correctly, consensus places me as the kind of dapper gent who can ably cut a rug, so to speak. I have taken some lessons in my time, and a natural sense of rhythm helps matters tremendously. It would come as no surprise then, to say that I deplore the modern dance styling and much prefer the classic steps of old. A well-executed tango or foxtrot go a long way, in my estimation. As for a personal preference, I admire tap-dancing above all others. The precision involved, the high level of skill required, and how it looks when performed correctly set it apart. The cool perfection of Fred Astaire, the balletic grace of Gene Kelly - it is incomparable. Seek out a little ditty called "That Babbit and the Bromide" should you desire to see these two masters together; it is a personal favourite of mine.

As for me, I profess no mastery of the technique though I will confess myself to be a gifted amateur. I find that acquiring my own brand of precision is most engaging to my often demanding mind, while allowing me a dab of fun in the process, which even I require from time to time. And now, the final question.

Green-genius-purple-puzzler asks: "What is your favourite alcoholic beverage of choice?" Ah tipple. I wondered when this would come up. Opinion tends to be halved between my throwing back liquor with abandon, or abstaining altogether to save my precious grey matter. Unsatisfactory as it may be, the true answer lies in between the extremes. I enjoy the indulgence and mild high, but I never drink to excess. I have been on the receiving end of enough forceful manipulation in my time that I hesitate to make it any easier than necessary. Riddler does not get drunk, children - Riddler just has fun. A well-stocked liquor cabinet is a particular treasure to have, doubling as a secret weapon if need be. Vintage alcohol is a fine way to spend your hard-stolen riches why waste your liver on cheap garbage? My tipple of choice is a heady cocktail of champagne and absinthe, served in a champagne flute. It is also a fetching shade of green - I am a nostalgic old fool, it is true. Should you desire to try it for yourself, it is called Death in the Afternoon - no bullfighting involved, but you require a modicum of courage. It will lay you out flat if you are not careful - be warned. Now, unfortunately, I must cut the recording short as I have a scheduled therapy session to attend. (sigh) They are still trying to coax out my inner demons, despite the fact that I clearly wear mine on the outside. 



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