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TRS - Casefile #0101

EDWARD: Good evening, dear listeners. I'm sorry to have been away for so long, but time flies when you're eating food through a tube. But with the recovery, bedpans, and physio behind me, I believe I'm now ready to field some questions. In case you hadn't noticed, LexCorp has done some... Revisions to my site, apparently there was some red tape attached to my rescue and now I'm locked in a year-long contract with LexCorp. Que sera, sera. I shan't bother you with the details, but I won't fight it, as I can actually afford to go legit for the time being. Until my desire for grand scale mischief invariably lands me in another sticky situation. But we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Alright. (claps hands) Let's have a question. (Turns a page) Submissions-queen asks: Riddler, could you settle an argument for me? A friend and I were discussing the general mindset of Gotham's various villains. She made the statement that "since the Riddler hates the dimwitted, then people born with true mental defects must be the bane of his existence"... Sadly I let my anger get the better of me, I told her that was the most backwards thing anyone has ever said about you. Perhaps you could help me explain to her the error in her thoughts?

Why of course I can, Miss Queen. First off, you couldn't be more wrong, friend of Queen. Those with true mental defects are not the bane of my existence. If anything, I have more respect for those who are differently abled. It's hard enough to live in this world as a quote unquote normal person, and those with any form of perceived disadvantage are automatically treated as inferior by the ignorant masses. Which brings me to the true bane of my existence. It is no secret that I do not suffer fools lightly, but those who are both wilfully ignorant and proud of it are worthy of every ounce of scorn I have at my disposal. We live in a time enlightenment should be commonplace, and yet the lowest common denominator is still the loudest voice in the room. People are afraid to come across as 'too intelligent', for fear of being ostracised or excluded - and that sickens me. Anyone who takes pride in their idiocy should be shot. In the head. Twice. Just to make sure. Those with true mental defect have enough to deal with without thinking that the Gotham rogues have issue with them; for shame, friend of Queen.



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