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Hi everyone, we can confirm the fundraising has been fixed and we can now except donations again!

As mentioned, we are so happy to have reached the target and to see it going above is a complete surprise of which we are incredibly grateful and appreciative of. Honestly so overwhelmed with the love! For anyone who would like to donate still you can do so at the link below. It will remain open until Friday. 100% of all donations are going towards the channel and into evolving and building up ASWT, including equipment upgrades and much more!

Link Below:


thank you so much and lots of love

Alex and Josh

xoxo <3


Chris Metzger

Maybe with my donation you can get one of those microphone condoms that help filter out unwanted sounds. You could even name it Chris's big mic condom. That would be swell! ;-p

Mark Heidel

Alex I am still having trouble donating but I think I have cleared it up but have a question. I am told that its being processed out of Ireland does that sound right?

Diane Furlong

When I donated, Dublin came up in the transaction in my bank account. I don’t know if these fundraisers are regional like the way many corporations operate. They’re home base is often in a totally different area. I know that doesn’t answer your question and it’s pure speculation on my part.

Mark Heidel

Thanks my bank flagged it as high risk because of the Ireland but I just figured that is where gofund me operates in that area