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Hi all

We are absolutely amazed at the response level for the fundraiser. thank you all so much! in a matter of 2 days we have already hit target and it is truly incredible to see such love and support in the ASWT community. so thank you all again to those who donated. your contributions are hugely appreciated and will go towards making this an even better channel for our big family! Shout outs will be appearing in videos to follow for everyone who donated.

We are aware that some people tried to donate after we reached target and where unable to. We are not entirely sure why this happened and are currently working on the solution with GoFundMe. Because of this, we will be keeping the page open until Friday should anyone like to make more donations. link below


Once it is closed, we will then be updated everyone on the brand new equipment and materials that your contributions where put towards and fingers crossed, ASWT will have a fresh new lewk and feel!!! how exciting!

Once again, thank you so much everyone, we greatly appreciate it.



Alex and Josh



Chris Metzger

I was one of the ones who donated after the £2000 was reached. I was wondering why it didn't show. Congrats on reaching your goal! You're both more than deserving!


There didn’t seem to be a place to change my display name so you’ve probably got my entire legal name 😂

Chris Metzger

Actually, it looks like GoFundMe bounced the money back to me, so once it's straightened out, please let me know so I can donate again.


I noticed this as well - the options were anonymous or full legal name for me.