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Sara Nissen

Yes as in episode 7 Daphne gets a bit too excited 😆 Just like in OG SKAM Elliott withdrew because Lucas told him, he didnt want to be around crazy people, but it would have been better, if they had talked about it, so Lucas understood and didnt get upset, but it seemed Eliott wasnt ready. Lucille like Sonja was just really worried about Eliott I think, but as I said about OG SKAM, she could have handled it better. And yes it went a bit darker here, because you could think, that he had drowned, but fortunately he didnt. In OG it was, that he could be arrested for inaproppriate behaviour or maybe beaten up by someone "random", but that is bad enough in itself. I wouldnt call what Manon wore in the park a baret, that to me is different, in Denmark we for some reason call what she wore a sixpence, and I think its what you in english would call a flat cap if I am not wrong.

Chris Metzger

This was a really strong episode. Great highs and great lows. It perfectly encompassed a manic Bipolar episode.

Mickey Ross

i love how open lukas and elliot are at this point in the season. in og skam, we had more scenes of isak and even together in season 4. even also made a birthday video for isak, its on youtube, "the boy who couldnt hold his breath under water" y'all should watch