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By 1808, the Napoleonic empire stretched from Poland to the Pyrenees, and from the North Sea to the southern tip of Italy. How was Europe adjusting to Napoleon's new order?


Ford Cooper

Dispatch question: Hey, I had an interesting question I thought you might want to answer, were captured soldiers and officers ever tortured for information by an enemy force in Europe during the napoleonic wars? In the episode “to the victor go the spoils” you mention how if Napoleon were captured by the Austrians he would’ve been “worked over.”

Aaron O'Brien

Hi, I apologize if this is the wrong place to post this question. I’m wondering if there’s any way for me as a member to obtain add free versions of the earlier episodes on my podcast app?

Augustus Rottenberg

you can add it as an 'rss feed' to your podcast app - i think patreon have a page on it if you google