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My review of Ridley Scott's 'Napoleon'



Great review, I felt like the movie was similar to some of the art from the time, very nice to look at, but not much information, it did get me interested in Napoleon though and is part of why I found this podcast so that’s nice!


Are you familiar with the bloody jack books by L.A Meyer? It follows a girl during the Napoleonic wars, she actually ends up at trafalgar and Jena in different books, my question is in the book featuring Jena she gets on rather quickly as a messenger for Napoleon, were they that desperate for messengers that a new arrival would be given such a important role only days after arriving at the grand army? Or would there be some kind of basic training before allowing them to fill such a role

Chris O'Regan

Having finally watched it, I felt like Scott was drawing on his history as a director of music videos and ads - tremendously strong visuals to carry the story but almost no importance attached to dialogue (especially the first 40 minutes or so). I feel like you could release a cut of it without any dialogue at all relatively easily.

Michael Macheret

The best representation of Napoleon on film is “The Emperor’s New Clothes” with the great Ian Holm as Napoleon who fictionally escapes from St. Helena and tries to convince everyone that he is Napoleon. Not historical but a great movie.


You nailed it Everett. You used the words British propaganda at least 4 times. That’s exactly what this is, regrettably. I grew up in the UK although I am now also French and what’s in the film is the sum of what I learnt about him from common culture in the UK. I know that you liked the scene where he looked closely at the mummy. I also see the request for a stool to stand on to underlie his being short. I saw it in France and frankly couldn’t stop giggling at points at how silly and vacuous the central characterization was. I think French people were a bit bemused by it too, and routinely disliked it. I also giggled at his American accent btw. He sounds like a US car salesman to me. It was embarrassingly poor at points. But sure it had some good points. But dwarfed by the problems.